Rep Paul Loscocco has withdrawn from Cahill ticket. Republicans are really turning up the heat on fellow GOPers to support Charlie Baker or “you’ll never work again in the GOP!”
Loscocco joins Cahill’s smarmy Republican consultants and advisers who were dragged away last week. Of course they did not offer to return the thousands and thousands of dollars they took from Cahill before bolting.
Political courage is so rare.
Please share widely!
hlpeary says
justice4all says
it was into a safety net. These are the rats leaving a sinking ship.
olde-spice says
“Baker was feeling Loscocco out.”
An appropriate phrase in this case?
Quid Pro Quo?
shillelaghlaw says
No matter what you think of Cahill or his candidacy, that was just a dick move on Loscocco’s part.
hlpeary says
Would love to have been a fly on the wall when the GOP thugs delivered the pressure to Paul and the McCain consultants he got Cahill to hire (Weaver et al)…leave Cahill or you will be dust in every GOP circle across the country…you will never see your name on the signature of a consulting contract again…you will be persona non grata forever if you don’t smarten up and help Charlie.
p>This whole episode gives some insight into how Charlie operates. Paul Loscocco proved to be a weak sistah with this crowd.
olde-spice says
Who knew there was a WASP Godfather……
grassroots1 says
Reminds me of a line my son gave me (he’s 4 so I can let it slide, when asked one Sunday what his favorite football team was, he said “Patriots” when asked why, he said “Because they’re winning.”
johnk says
Let’s see what he says, and people say nothing happens on a Friday!!
johnk says
p>More Metrowest
p>Quotes from AP, why would you call Baker first, then your running partner?
p>No additional comment needed here, I’ll let this one stand on it’s own:
david says
p>Obviously, I’m pleased that Loscocco switched his vote on marriage. But the pattern is hard to miss, and a bit concerning. What is it, again, that this guy stands for?
ryepower12 says
That was a piss-poor thing to do on Loscocco’s part… yeah, Cahill didn’t have a snow-ball’s chance in hell of winning, but at this point there was no other reason to leave that campaign than to throw salt in the guy’s wound.
scout says
This is a legendary backstabbing.
p>Not a big fan of Cahill, and even less of a fan of the current campaign he has run, but for Loscocco to pull this now is really pretty disgraceful.
progressiveman says
…the whole Cahill adventure was a put-up job by a bunch of Republicans who thought it would hurt Deval Patrick. Then it backfired on them and now they have decided they didn’t Cahill any longer as it was a distration to run against two people. Now the negative campaigning can concentrate on Deval.
johnk says
Cahill unleashed on Loscocco. When questioned about backroom deals, he said that they should ask Loscocco and Baker. He was informed at 9:08 this morning, Loscocco had been in communication with Baker and had already scheduled their 11:00am press conference before he even talked to Cahill.
p>After this, I think it’s safe to say that Cahill is not leaving the race.
mark-bail says
or over-reaching by the national Republicans.
p>My guess is that his internal polling (like external polls)is showing not much movement in the race. The unpersuaded don’t feel like they know Baker very well; he doesn’t inspire people much beyond the GOP faithful.
p>Baker will be hard-pressed to disassociate himself from this really crappy put-up job; he may end up losing some of the votes of the unpersuaded.
p>Cahill will redouble his attacks on Baker; he might even gain some sympathy votes.
p>Meanwhile, Patrick can remain aloof and continue to amiable.
p>This may be the orange jumpsuit moment of the 2010 election cycle.
tudor586 says
As far as I can tell, apart from Baker’s laughable charm offensive with women voters, the Republicans are fixated on getting Cahill’s votes. They don’t seem to have a better strategy.
p>Cahill seemed really pissed at his news conference this afternoon, and Loscocco does come across as a snake. It’ll be interesting to see if Cahill trains his fire on Baker, on the theory that he needs Baker’s votes if he’s to rise in the polls.
david says
I have little doubt that that’s exactly what he will do, not so much because those are the votes he needs to win (he can’t win; he never could; and he knows it), but because between the RGA attacks and this LG stunt, Cahill must really f^¢king hate Charlie Baker right now.
jconway says
To this day though if his biggest for was Patrick why didn’t he challenge him in the primary where he actually had a decent shot of capturing the nomination? He would only HELP Patrick as an indy.
peter-porcupine says
More like the rocket scientists running the Baker campaign, just like they so ‘helped’ Kerry Healey. BTW – they were all McCainiacs together as well.
p>FULL DISCLOSURE – I supported Mitt and Christy, so my opinion of these ‘workers’ is predjudiced.
p>I LIKE Charlie Baker – I remember thinking what a good speaker he was when he addressed the Midlesex Club along with Tim Pawlenty, or talked about healthcare at the GOP8. It’s his campaign staff that is repellant. They’ve convinced him this is how the game is played, what’s needed to win, etc. And their sleaze alientates even those who want to support Baker, as they sense the mismatch between candidate and staff, and wonder which is real.
mark-bail says
in Western Mass that felt the same way about the opposition’s managers.
p>One was a Dem from our Hampshire County area with a reputation for nastiness; the other a consultant from Boston. Their candidate had a steep uphill climb–and he didn’t reach the top–but I think, to his credit, he didn’t sink to their level, and every time he came close, he looked uncomfortable.
p>I hear you on Baker’s handlers.
judy-meredith says
watching Locoocco’s perky sincere little self at the press conference. He was standing so far away I was worried he would fall off the podium or trip over a cable.
p>Charlie’s Puritan ethic allows him to righteously cut off cash assistance to the “un-worthy poor” but there is no room there for tolerating this kind of behavior.
p>I can hear him telling the desperate-for-a-win national advisers…..”But but but,,,it’s just wrong!!
damnthetorpedos says
What a contemptible maneuver – think Brutus and Arnold were looking up to take notes? So much for HONOR…
cicero says
(In your book, that is).
p>I don’t see Tim Cahill dropping out. He sure comes across as pretty temperamental–witness the eyebrow-raising public rejoinder to Howie Carr a few weeks ago, the “Lt Gov is useless anyway” comment. There’s an emotional component to his decisions, and I suspect he carries on and turns this into an all-out vendetta–against Baker, Howie (another smarmy attack on Cahill this morning), and everyone else he suspects of dissing him. Makes sense to me — I’m from New Jersey.
p>I was really appalled reading this. Bothered me more than it should have. Yeah, maybe Loscocco realized he was jeapordizing his future going down with a ship that threatened to take Charlie Baker down with it. But, man, who’s going to trust this guy in the future? Word to Baker: Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:
She has deceived her father, and may thee.
p>Sure, all’s fair in love and war; but I like to think that kind of thing catches up with you someday.
dont-get-cute says
david says
posted over at Reprinted in full.
johnd says
does anyone have any facts that Charlie Baker finagled this deal and “dragged” Loscoco away from Cahill? Any? If Loscoco called a meeting with Baker about jumping ship prior to his resignation, does that someone implicate Baker as instigating the whole thing? Really? You all can think whatever you want but how about this guy was on a sinking ship submarine and wanted to get out before he had to endure the embarrassment of the putrid results Cahill will be getting. Maybe it was all “his” idea. But I suppose that wouldn’t be fun compared to the “speculation”.
p>And can you all be honest for a moment, just a moment and then go back to hyper-partisanship, and ask how you would feel if Loscoco quit but announced his support for Gov Patrick? Would the sneering be as loud, would there be the same venom… or would there be “understanding” and talk of pragmatism?
trickle-up says
would drown out anything you’d hear from this blog.
p>Honestly, talk about goofy counterfactuals.
patrick says
Coupled with Baker refusing to take a no patronage pledge.
p>So, there’s that.
johnd says
I certainly hope you aren’t a lawyer.
kbusch says
Honest (on’ist) adj. holding a view that agrees with JohnD.
kirth says
Apparently, Loscocco announced his withdrawal at Baker campaign headquarters. Probably just a coincidence – he was in the neighborhood, thought he’d drop by, and while he was there, on a whim decided to hold a press conference announcing he was withdrawing.
johnd says
if he wasn’t throwing his support behind Charlie Baker. But since he announced his resignation and that he was supporting Baker, I think the location was appropriate but hardly proves anything. Everyone can think whatever they want and it may in fact be true, but I don’t see any proof of Baker contriving this whole thing, none!
johnk says
Link. Not the shewest of moves by the Baker camp. I don’t know what the deal is, but why the hell is Lascocco at the Baker campaign making this announcement? Wouldn’t it have been better if the Baker folks just said to get a room at a hotel somewhere or even in front of your house and hold a press conference on your own. I’ve done some soul searching, blah, blah, blah. But the brain surgoens at Camp Baker decided to hold the press confernce in their headquarters.
p>What do you think everyone is thinking? Those morons in the Baker campaign just screwed themselves out of days to promote Baker and instead are doing what you are doing here, defending his actions. Did you offer him a judgeship? Do you promise to not hire Lascocco in any capacity? You say you want change in Beacon Hill, but it looks like you are the one with the back room deals. This is what you want to talking about a few weeks before an election?
p>I don’t get it, these people running his campaign are just bozos.
johnd says
I agree the whole thing smells and Loscoco quitting was a big enough win. Having him get behind Charlie in a few days would have been better. My point in posting about this was people are accusing Baker of doing the deal and I’m just saying I haven’t seen “any” proof of any deal.
p>I agree that Baker doesn’t need to be asked accusatory questions at this point.
johnk says
p>”What a snake! What a betrayal!” said Christy Mihos.