Credible conservatives are shunning Jeff Perry and today a Rupert Murdoch owned newspaper on Cape Cod turned their back on Jeff Perry and endorsed long-shot candidate Mary Ann Lewis.
This should have been a slam dunk for Perry–the biggest weekly on the Cape endorsing the Cape Cod candidate, but in their own words:
(Perry) also allowed his past to plague him throughout the race by minimizing incidents and decisions rather than addressing them comprehensively, consistently and fully.
As information trickled out, so too did Perry’s responses, often with defensive refrains…
You can just feel the earth moving underneath Perry and any Republican politician standing by him is bound to pay a price with the voters…both in 2010 and potentially in 2012.
Let’s see who the Cape Cod Times backs… that to me is much more interesting, especially since they endorsed a Perry supporter named Scott Brown earlier this year!
It then became part of Ottaway.
p>It still has its own offices, editor and reporters.
I hope loyal Democrats and Progressives throughout the Tenth Congressional district take the advice of the editorialist and vote for Maryanne Lewis.
p>that folks is big BIG news!!!!!!!!!