The argument just doesn’t add up: how is it that the National Chamber of Commerce, whose business members cried poormouth about much-needed tax cuts in order to bolster job growth, has millions to dole out in Republican lobbying efforts and campaign contributions?
Even if one looks at BOL pay averages from different angles, literally thousands of jobs across the Nation have been lost because the COC’s political agenda has overshadowed its once (seemingly) unclouded mission. It is impossible to imagine this has had no impact on the economy.
Its bad enough the COC used the media to make the President appear apathetic even when he tried to reach out to them, but they cannot excuse the amount of money spent to unflinchingly support the GOP – instead of their own payrolls.
Is reported to be spending $87.5 million in this election cycle. Could you not make the same argument with regard to AFSCME? How many jobs could be saved if union dues were reduced to save States, Counties and Municipalities money that could be used to retain employees?
p>The ridiculous amount of money spent in elections is spent on both sides and by their supporters. Real reform will require both sides and their supporters to all play by the same rules and restrictions.
p>COC and AFSCME are working under the same set of rules, I don’t like them and I would surmise that neither do you, maybe this will be the Congress that tackles this issue. I am not confident, but maybe I will be proved wrong.
Isn’t it the employees who pay the dues?
…the unions have their issues and indeed, I have not been a big fan of them, but the COC touts themselves as the light and the way to get unemployment down and the economy moving again. The appearance of holding jobs hostage for the sake of receiving tax-cuts while taking donations from any corporate quarter, is the core of utter selfishness.
p>As for other ‘organizations’ that slink under the cloak of secrecy, the Supreme Court gave the keys to the candy shop away, and now Lady Justice is not only blindfolded, her hands are tied behind her back.
p>A business, by itself, cannot eat, sleep, think, go to war, VOTE or breathe; therefore, for those reasons (and many others) it does not have the ‘right’ to consider itself an individual.
p>Aboout Congress: the next session will be telling, but its hard not to be completely cynical it will turn and bite the hand that helped create it.
Thanks to the Citizens United ruling, the Chamber doesn’t have to reveal who contributed money, so they can accept foreign funds and use these funds to rig the US political system. These foreign countries have a vested interest in attracting jobs away from the US, hence they want to elect Republicans who will vote against any bill that would give favorable treatment to corporations who create jobs here, and for any bill that would continue to give tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas.
p>It has nothing to do with the cost of labor. It is greed, pure and simple.