It is illegal for any individual or group to subsidize a candidate when they are running because it would exceed the individual contribution limit allowed.
Even odder is that last year, when Mary was NOT working “18-7” for her run for Auditor, she was only getting $500 per month for the same work!
Something doesn’t add up here. Connaughton’s access to Romney’s moneybags seems to be dependent on her political needs, not on the actual time she has to devote to his “work.”
The odor around this deal won’t just blow away, and Mary Connaughton should know better than to try and play funny money with a guy who’s been caught trying to game the NYT Bestseller list to make his book appear more popular than it really is.
I knew he was paying her. The fact that he gave her a raise eluded me. She should be in jail now, not a major party candidate for statewide office. Why is this not front page news?