Lets review his record:
8 tax increases – including a 25% sales tax increase and he will not say that he will not raise taxes more if he is reelected (expect gas and candy taxes next)!
Bought a Cadillac on the state’s dime!
Tried to put a political supporter (Senator Walsh) in a $165,000 job that had been unfilled for a decade – said she was desperately needed!
Has had to withdraw/suspend three of his judicial nominees – an unprecedented number!
Refuses to sign Secure Communities – an agreement with the US DHS that checks the immigration status of people who are arrested – Mayor Menino praised the program.
Supports instate tuition and licenses for illegal aliens!
Increased the number of state employees despite claiming to be cutting staff.
Lied repeatedly to the public – including about who was behind putting Senator Walsh in the $165,000 job – He said it was all the agency’s idea – then the Globe published emails that showed in fact it was being pushed by his closest aides.
Is this really a record of success?
Welcome to BMG, new guy. This is an unusually stupid post. A bunch of your facts are wrong, and you don’t have any links or other backup for what you say.
p>That’s not how we do things around here. Get your act together and update the post, or I’ll take it down.
Everything up there is pretty well documented and true.
p>1) Governor Patrick did raise 8 taxes
p>New taxes – in state of the state the governor made numerous tax increase proposals, candy Cigares etc.. Wants a progressive income tax that will result in tax increases
p>2) He did get rid of a perfectly good Crown Vic for a tricked out caddy.
p>3) Did try to hire Marian Walsh for a job that was unfilled for 12 + years
p>4) Did withdraw nominees
p>5) Has refused to sign Secure Communities and the trial phase has been up for quite a while now.
p>6) Does support illegal instate tuition
p>(Source Bureau of Labor Statistics)
p>8) boston Globe did a rather good job of showing that Patrick’s inner circle was directly involved in the walsh hirings.
p>I say we leave it up as an example of how weak the anti-Patrick case is. Are these the very best arguments against Deval Patrick as governor?
p>Are these the worst of his flaws? My goodness … we gotta re-elect this guy.
Alas, that’s enough for a low information voter.
OK, OK. We can leave it up. EaBo has helpfully restated some of the post, though still without backup, and still with inaccuracies. He has cleverly omitted some of the “facts” that are plainly wrong (e.g. driver’s licenses), without calling attention to them.
p>Whatever. Like Charley says, if this kind of crap is as bad as it gets for Deval, helloooo 2nd term.…
p>Here you go
p>Has he changed his mind?
Is anyone stupid enough to believe that illegal aliens are not going to drive because they lack licenses? And how many illegal aliens would actually dare to apply for a license in any case?
must I doing everything, no self respecting troll would leave out the drapes.