UPDATE: I didn’t get to see tonight’s debate, but the assessment of several pundits (not BMG or RMG types) on Twitter was that Cahill won, Patrick didn’t hurt himself, and Baker looked terrible. Interestingly, Jon Keller gave Patrick the win. Did you watch? What did you see? Consider this a Western MA debate open thread.
This really was hilarious. A little while back, Charlie Baker got totally pwned by a TV host in western Mass. when he tried to tell her that western Mass. starts at 495, and includes the towns of Gardner and Grafton. LOL
Please share widely!
the Oscar for Best Dramatic Screenplay in Election Year 2010. Or is that melodrama?
I guess Charlie thinks there’s enough voters in Boston to carry him into beacon hill. This quickly becoming “How to Lose Friends and Alienate People”…
I wasn’t there, but I received an account from someone who was sitting in the front row.
p>According to my source, Stein and Cahill were composed and “on message” — though as a practical matter it’s unlikely that they did anything that would win them any votes in addition to the ones they could have expected.
p>Patrick had the best one-liners, such as, “They talk, we do!”
p>All the candidates reportedly looked exhausted — they are in the final days and must be going nonstop. Despite that, the three just mentioned were upbeat and even if they didn’t win anyone over, they probably didn’t lose anyone, either.
p>Baker, on the other hand, by all accounts, was fidgety and uncomfortable. Several people who were there commented that he looked like he really wanted to be someplace else — anyplace else! No warm, fuzzy candidate, he!
p>Later, we watched the local Springfield TV news at 11 — they had a very dumb “exit poll” of those leaving the debate. They asked if the debate had prompted anyone to change their mind about whom to vote for. I say “dumb” because every single person in the room was admitted by special invitation from each campaign, or were from the media, etc. It was not an open invitation kind of thing.
p>Despite that, only 88% of respondents said, “No.” Maybe the other 12% were folks who had been planning on voting for Baker but are now not so sure. At least, that’s what I am hoping! đŸ˜‰