I’m at the office for CD7 in Medford. Canvassers just hit the streets. We’ve got turfs, coffee, signage and Internet access – what else could a political volunteer junkie need?
Where are you and what are you doing today?
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
cadmium says
The Carol Shea-Porter campaign today (I have ties to New Hampshire).
p>She is losing to this corrupt young teabagger asshat Giunta
davemb says
This was GOTV so we were hitting mostly Dems and got a lot of positive feedback and promises to vote Dem. Some not sure where they were going (or perhaps against us and being polite), a few annoyed at all the phone calls they were getting (one at 10:00 pm which I hope was not our side!). I am optimistic for Kuster and Lynch and less so for Hodes. But I don’t see much of an “enthusiasm gap” among the people we talked to, at least.
p>Apparently the opposition just doesn’t do the door-to-door thing, even for NH House races where you think it would really help. The cliche answer would be that we like talking to real average people and they don’t, I suppose.
p>Apparently Kuster’s GOTV is being managed by some of the same people who did such a great job for Hillary in the 2008 primary. I’m tied up with other commitments until the election, but they can use lots of footwork to make this GOTV effort work (e.g., putting out door tags early Tuesday morning). If you want to help in Keene, contact either the Hodes or Kuster campaign or cheshiredemocrats.org.
cadmium says
and Paul Hodes are not getting the credit they deserve. At least Hodes is running against someone NH people know and like. I dont get Giunta (rhymes with junta) appeal at all. Carol has worked very hard for people in her district. We got a LOT of no answer/left message, so maybe polls are wrong. Only one in eight or so answered phone.
p>Good work—fingers crossed for all 4 Shea-Porter, Hodes, Kuster, and Lynch
christopher says
…I’m attending a rally in Nashua tomorrow with President Clinton and Governor Lynch.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Is just that all those working in MA have just gotten home from their routes, are eating dinner, and haven’t logged on yet to see what’s new on BMG.
p>We had a big crew active across CD7 today. Would love to hear what’s going on in other CDs.
lynne says
this afternoon, will do some more tomorrow, got roped into Monday night lit drop (thanks, Jack, you bastard!) and then plan on doing the final GOTV of all no-shows late in the day on Tuesday. All in MA (Lowell). đŸ™‚
sco says
Didn’t check BMG until the last turf was updated in the database.
p>The response we’ve gotten both from voters and volunteers has been nothing short of amazing.