First, here is Jeff Perry’s position on Social Security from his campaign website: “If elected to Congress, I would support changes in the benefits for future retirees (not anyone currently receiving benefits). This would include raising the eligibility age.”
Well that is fairly straight forward. If you’re not getting Social Security, he wants to raise the age of your eligibility, so if you’re 60 or 61, he wants to raise the age of retirement on you.
But in this video from a debate in Plymouth last week (special thanks to Perry supporter Jack Gately) you can see how effective Perry is at lying about his own positions, as he attacks a factual mailer from the DCCC. Note the false outrage, note how he wants to “make it very clear” as he tells his lie, and of course, note the mob that he incites with his lies.
Perry begins his rant about 30 seconds in, but he is “very clear” about his lie at 2 minutes in.
So, let’s see how long it takes Perry to scrub his website of his long-time position on Social Security–just like he scrubbed his involvement with the sexual assaults of two girls. But it ain’t 1992 Jeff, we can cache things now and Jack, go ahead and take down your video, my bet is there were a few video camera’s there and Perry’s lies from last week will be preserved.
pogo says
…but he is “very clear” about his lie at 2 minutes in, as he begins to incite his mob.
plymouth4keating says
Great job, Pogo. This guy Perry cannot be trusted. If you asked him what he had for breakfast he’d lie about it.
david says
is the argument that Perry says on the video that he won’t raise the eligibility age/cut benefits on anyone over the age of 50, but on his website he doesn’t mention the age 50 cutoff?
pogo says
…and Perry claimed on this video/debate that this flyer was a “lie”. In fact, the flyer provided two sources: a Patriot Ledger article that Perry mentions AND Perry’s campaign website–but Perry left that out (a lie by omission).
p>Also, the flyer said nothing about privatization…and Perry implies it did. Lastly, this flyer was part of an independent expenditure and the Keating folk only saw the mailer when it hit and had nothing to to with it.
p>Sorry for the lack of details in the original post…but it was late in the evening.
grassroots1 says
It’s not a lie, if YOU believe it.
charley-on-the-mta says
charley-on-the-mta says
Perry’s outrage is pretty ginned up. Keating’s allies aren’t lying in the least about Social Security. Yeah, they put a senior citizen on the flyer … That’s who gets Social Security.
p>Perry’s position is unclear on the website — he doesn’t say anything about age 51. He’s clearer in the video. But saying that quoting his website and not his spoken words constitutes a “LIE” is pretty thin gruel.
grassroots1 says
p>2. Did I say that 14 yr old girl was “arrested”? I meant detained and never charged.
p>3. Did I say I had a degree with major, minor, and GPA from online degree-mill scam school? I meant….oh nevermind.