(Tried to embed the video, but this post was not cooperating with the embed code) [Happy to assist! -David]
Joe Malone to Charlie Baker “My advice to Charlie- Anyone who has a daughter, anyone who cares about decency should stay away from this candidate.”
(Joe’s comments happen at the 6:37 mark in the video)
Please share widely!
What on earth makes you think that Malone ‘knows Perry well’?
p>Jeff wasn’t even elected until Joe was long gone. And they don’t move in the same GOP circles – Joe is Middlesex Club, Jeff is TEA Party. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that they never even met until they were running against each other.
Debated him, is extremely familiar with his candidacy, and so on. I have no idea if he knows him well personally.
p>Incidentally, PP, now might be a good time for you to move away from Perry as well, if you haven’t already done so.
At this point, you and EaBo are just embarrassing yourselves with your transparent devotion to a candidate who deserves no loyalty. I get that you want to support your cause and your party. But at least have some honor and dignity in doing so. Cross the bridge to Wareham, and help out Sean Bielat. Or stay on your side of the bridge and help out whoever is running for Rob O’Leary’s seat.
p>You and EaBo are about one or two comments away from becoming a laughable caricature of yourselves, like MiracleGirl or Retired Veteran.
and the rest of the post relating advice attributed to Joe Malone, still holds up well. He ran a race for the same seat, and came away with a poor showing. His experience in statewide office and the Republican party should let him offer it. No one expects Perry or Baker to accept it for anything more than the opining of someone nursing hurt feelings after a tough primary battle.