I wrote a letter to the editor of the Milford Daily News today, and I thought I’d share it with the denizens of BMG:
On his recent appearance on “That Milford Show – Political Review”, Tom Wesley (candidate for Congress from the 2nd District) said of his opponent, Richard Neal, “On this side of the district, he’s become really a ghost.” In a recent article in this paper, he said, “Richard Neal does not want to have access to the people. He does not deem it necessary to respond to their inquiries.”
Nothing could be further from the truth, and it makes me wonder what district Mr. Wesley has been living in for the five years he’s been in Massachusetts. For over a decade, Congressman Neal has been holding a financial aid conference every January at Milford High School, helping area parents and high school seniors plan for college. And for almost two decades, he has maintained a congressional office at the Milford Post Office.
Facts are facts, and there are thousands of people in this end of the district who know that their congressman and his staff always respond to their inquiries. He is well known to both constituents and local government officials, whether assisting with a Social Security problem, providing funds for new fire equipment or the Blackstone Valley National Corridor, or assisting with the restoration of Milford Pond. On election day, I’ll be voting for a representative who’s been getting the job done, and done right, for decades, Richard Neal. The last person we need representing us in Washington is an opportunistic Johnny-come-lately with an honesty problem.
I hope they publish it – I’ll be on the lookout for it!