The degree to which newspapers throughout the 10th Congressional District have shunned Jeff Perry is striking. From his own hometown weekly to Rupert Murdoch owned Cape Cod Times to the northern end of the district served by The Patriot Ledger, no paper in the CD has endorsed Perry for Congress, and most said he was a man they could not trust.
The only fig leaf Perry can hold to cover up this embarrassment, is the endorsement of Boston-based Herald, which has a circulation of about 652 papers in the 10th CD.
Now I maybe wrong and someone can correct me by pointing out some shopper in Mashpee endorsed Perry, but all the Wicked Local papers on the Cape endorsed Keating, along with the Ledger, the Cape Cod Times and the Boston Globe. Independent Maryanne Lewis garnered the endorsement of the Barnstable Patriot and many of the Wicked Local papers located near Lewis’s Scituate “base”. But I’m not aware of one newspaper that endorsed or had anything good to say about Jeff Perry.
Here is a sampling of what they are saying about Jeff:
Home town paper, the Sandwich Broadsider:
We understand the views of conservative voters who see Keating’s main challenger Jeffrey Perry as a champion of their values. But we cannot endorse a candidate who has not fully explained his action, or lack thereof, in two cases in which he was a police sergeant supervising an officer who improperly strip-searched teenage girls. His decision to seek a college degree from a diploma mill would not by itself disqualify Perry from serving, but it shows a pattern of poor judgment driven by ambition.
The Cape Cod Times: (Perry’s) repeated lapses in truthfulness are too serious a breach of trust to support his candidacy in this race.
The Patriot Ledger: Yet contradictory statements about illegal strip searches under his watch at the Wareham Police Department, along with discrepancies in his bar application and doubts about his bachelor’s degree, have raised questions about his character, judgment and honesty.
The Barbstable Patriot: (Perry) allowed his past to plague him throughout the race by minimizing incidents and decisions rather than addressing them comprehensively, consistently and fully…As information trickled out, so too did Perry’s responses, often with defensive refrains…
Perry and his followers will attribute this complete rejection on the “mudslinging” campaign his opponent has waged. But it begs the question, what if your opponent–Jeff Perry–has a long troubled record with the truth: what he did or did not see (or knew) about 2 sexual assaults on teenage girls, his purchase of a fake college degree and his inconsistencies with the truth on his bar application?
Doesn’t the political opponent of Jeff Perry have an obligation to inform voters about Perry’s long history of lying in his public life? Clearly all the newspapers in the 10th CD weighed the facts and unanimously decided that Jeff Perry was not subjected a mudslinging campaign, but was a “victim” of his own words and actions.
It’s not just that he purchased it.
p>Baker, Romney and Brown’s endorsement of and campaigning for Perry is craven politics at its worst.
For a diploma that required no classes or tests, he said he had a 3.8 GPA.
when it’s their candidate exhibiting it. They are willing to ignore wasteful government jobs and benefits when they are receiving them. They are willing to ignore the “mud” when they are slinging it.
p>Do they even know the meaning of the word “hypocrite”? Can they spell it. I doubt it.
p>Hypocrite (hippo-krit) n.
One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he depises.