I couldn’t watch tonight’s debate, but from the coverage of several (non-partisan) reporters on Twitter and the Globe and Herald post-debate pieces, it’s pretty easy to conclude what happened:
Charlie Baker lost.
Why? Two reasons. First, apparently there were no game-changers. Nothing particularly dramatic happened tonight, as far as I can tell, which means that the race stays basically where it was before. And that’s bad for Baker, since as everyone knows by now, every independent poll has shown Patrick ahead, and Patrick now substantially out-performs Baker on favorable/unfavorable ratings as well.
Second, the post-debate stories in both the Globe and the Herald are focused exclusively on the Big Dig, and specifically on Baker’s response to the damning memo that AP published on Sunday. (Exactly as I predicted would happen, I might add.) That means that Baker has still failed to address lingering questions about his role in the Big Dig. He still hasn’t made it go away, and tonight was his last chance to do so.
So, all in all, looks like tonight was a big fail for Team Baker. Eight days to go.
When pressed for specifics on spending cuts, he fumbled it. He’s had months to get this story straight and he still can’t answer this question believably.
Charlie has been specific about his cuts and reforms for months. come on–at least be objective in your posts. One issue Democrats are worried about—energy and commitment of the Rs and Independents who will drive thru a hurricane if necessary to VOTE BAKER a week from today. There is a real energy out there—This is a close election as the polls demonstrate. it will be energy that makes the winner.
I’ve been following this campaign since its beginning.
p>Please cite even ONE on-the-record statement from Charlie Baker where he specifically identifies what “cuts” or “reforms” he proposes — how many dollars, how many people, from what line item or department.
p>Yes, I’ve heard him repeat the same canards that every GOP candidate has repeated since the Reagan years, the same tired slogans about unspecified “cuts” and “reforms”. I know what Deval Patrick has both proposed and done. There are, to my knowledge, no similarly specific proposals from Charlie Baker.
he’s offered some specific cuts, but none that get anywhere near enough to ‘pay’ for his proposed tax cuts, never mind the budget deficits. His cuts are more right-wing fodder on their favorite boogeyman issues than anything that has to do with making government more efficient or streamlined, while delivering the same caliber of services.
Sure, Charlie has his “Baker’s Dozen” of Weld-era retreads. But as has been amply documented, those don’t come close to filling the hole that his tax proposals would blow in the state budget. He has never – not once – been able to match up specific cuts in spending with his tax cuts. It’s the classic GOP gambit. It worked for a long time, but it’s starting to wear awfully thin now.
Yes, Baker has specified some cuts which he says amount to about $1B, to close a gap he says is over $2B. But a closer look shows they’re worth less than half that. And now when he’s pressed for details all he does is deflect and evade.
p>At least be objective in YOUR comments – not that I expect you to be.
Mass Taxpayers Fdn: “Baker’s Dozen” worth only $500M.
Apparently he doesn’t value his supporters’ loyalty.