Yesterday, Lenny Clarke endorsed Bill Keating for Congress-it was a symbol to voters that Bill can reach beyond his base and reach out to independent and conservative voters. Today the Keating Campaign released this youtube video of the former Chair of the State Ethics Commission Chief Judge E. George Daher. Chief Judge Daher has been a Republican for over 40 years and was appointed to be the Chair of the State Ethics Commission by the Governor Romney.
Everyday Independents and Republicans continue to flock over to Team Keating, but there is still plenty of work to be done to ensure victory in November. Team Keating needs the help of Democrats like you! Please sign up to volunteer here, so together we can help keep the 10th blue!
Jeff Perry recruited as a character reference his former boss, who was named as a co-defendant with Perry in a sexual assault case and testified under oath that Perry was a habitual liar, .
p>Bill Keating recruited a retired judge, former Chairman of the State Ethics Commission and a life-long member of the opposing political party.
p>When it comes to character, that pretty much says it all.