Tell that to Republican Sen. Michael Knapik, who worked with me on the bullying bill, or Republican Sen. Bruce Tarr, who was a key ally on the Ocean Management Act.
Perry claims to be an agent of change, but his political rhetoric and record reveal strident partisanship and ideological inflexibility, neither of which are in short supply in D.C.
If you want meaningful change in Washington and real reform in America, vote for the president’s agenda and vote for Bill Keating for Congress.
Rob O’Leary
The writer is the state senator for the Cape & Islands District
While Joe Malone and company have a different view of their candidate:
Please share widely!
and why is this news (except as a 10th district voter, maybe because O’Leary was able to overcome his anger at Keating for bringing out the Social Security card in the primary against O’Leary).
p>Kind of sick and tired of the junk I get daily in the mail with regards to this race. From what I get (sometimes twice a day), Jeff Perry wants to establish a 23% sales tax on everything, eliminate the mortgage interest deduction, slash Social Security to the bone, and mandate one way tickets to Baffin Island for seniors. Enough of the mailings, please…
But sometimes after strongly contested primaries, defeated candidates and their supporters have been known to take their ball and go home, and not bother to vote in the general. Or vote against the person who won the primary. John Silber in 1990 and Scott Harshbarger in 1998 were both in that boat.
p>This is good news that Rob O’Leary is being as outspoken as he is about this. Hopefully it can motivate some of his supporters who may otherwise have blanked this on their ballots.
p>(And QuinZyBlue- you should throw a semi-colon in your title. With just a comma there, it reads like Rob O’Leary is endorsing Bill Keating and Joe Malone as well as some other GOP. Keep the old joke about the gun-toting Panda in mind.)
That Keating and O’Leary had very similar stances on a lot of issues.
p>Good to see that O’Leary is every bit the gentleman after the primary as he was before the primary. Even better to see that Democrats are not engaging in the cannibalism that has hurt us in the past.
It basically came down to the Cape vs. the more populated towns and cities across the bridge. By endorsing his former opponent now, O’Leary is reaching out to his many primary voters on the Cape and telling them how important it is vote for Keating. It also gives Keating some free Cape media.
p>I volunteered for O’Leary and I’m sorry he is leaving office. Keating’s a good candidate with experience with the legislature, victim’s rights, and the law and he’s head and shoulders above Jeff Perry. Right now, he is the only thing standing between Perry and his Tea Party friends representing the tenth in Congress.
p>O’Leary’s endorsement is classy and timely. It serves as a reminder to Dems on the Cape that they have a huge stake in voting for Keating over Perry, not only because of Perry’s long history of weaselly lies, but also because of his lackluster legislative record.
p>And it’s a nice counterbalance to Joe Malone’s recently expressed opinion of Perry, HIS former opponent. According to Malone, any voters who care about decency should “stay away from that candidate.”