Rand Paul supporter steps on the head of a Moveon.org member (after other Paul supporters pushed her to the ground) outside the Paul/Conway debate.
The level of political debate continues to be cheapened by the Tea Party.
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p>Here’s the video:
p>Jeff Perry was 15 feet away, yet saw and heard nothing. Charlie Baker says this why we need to cut taxes.
To think that the teabaggers are trying to portray Obama as the Nazi. This move is right out of the Ernst Roehm playbook. And it’s not isolated.
p>A fellow gay activist wandered into the midst of the teabaggers at the Sarah Palin rally on the Common last April and got a fist in the face, but the police were on the assailant before my friend even hit the ground.
p>The teabaggers bring apacolyptic rehetoric to the discussion over fiscal policy issues, which is characteristic of what historian Richard Hofstadter called the “Paranoid style in American politics” and has a rich pedigree in American history. Inflammatory rhetoric drives the small but significant number of folks who are so predisposed to violence. We saw the same effect in the debate over same-sex marriage. Gaybashings spiked in connection with the 2004 ConCon and the dire warnings of the end of the world from the right-wing.
p>As for tolerance and the rule of law in the Blue Grass State, Mark Twain noted that he wanted to be in Kentucky at the end of the world because it’s always 20 years behind.
I’ve seen worse in the middle of a Democratic primary.
… that you believe that.
When I was a yout I wound up in the mosh pit ouside a Democratic debate a couple times. I’m always on the side that gets squashed by the biggest union guys.
p>I don’t know if this lady is right or wrong. People who’ve never been in a fight tend to get themselves in these situations though.
The woman from MoveOn did not get physical. She was pushed to the ground then stomped on. Sorry, but sometimes there’s really not two sides to a story.
has distorted your outlook. How long were you a yout, and did you join their union?
To claim this is “tea party” action is without evidence. Nobody in the video has TEA PARTY scribbled across their foreheads. They could be independents, registered republicans, or gasp even democrats. Fact is, there is no way to discern them from the T, D, R, or I. Thus it would be more appropriate for this diary to be titled “Rand Paul Supporters and Free Speech”.
… they guy manhandling her has one of those ‘don’t tread on me’ buttons that have been adopted as tea party iconography.
Those people might adopt it, but they don’t own it any more than they do the Stars and Stripes.
… it and I don’t think that’s factually inaccurate in any way. If you see it at a Rand Paul event along side people shouting, I feel a real money bet that we’re talking about tea partiers would be a good investment. Of course they’re adopting symbols and iconography from the past… their self-identified name is itself a unilateral requisition.
His endorsement of Rand is listed in an ad that ran that very same day. And, he’s in more pictures with Rand than the Rand family dog.
p>He’s also a tea party activist in Kentucky. And Rand Paul is the – and proudly so – tea party candidate.
p>Even the Kentucky media understand the tea party role in this:
p>And my favorite part:
p>Pot. Kettle. Black.
p>Is this what the “freedom-loving” tea party is all about?
so the tea party as a whole is now against free speech.
p>Should I begin applying this rationale to other events I see in politics, or should I just start “3”ing your comments regardless of the argument being made just because I disagree with them?