When we installed the very handy “Tweet this” tool, an unexpected and peculiar problem emerged: BMG readers using Internet Explorer found themselves unable to comment. We were hoping that a solution could be found, but alas, none is forthcoming.
Therefore, we’ve disabled “Tweet this” in order to restore everyone’s ability to comment. Twitter is a great tool and a lot of fun, but commenting is the lifeblood of this site, and a lot of people still use Internet Explorer. So, in the interests of full participation as we head into election week, “Tweet this” is out, and commenting is – hopefully – back for everyone.
If you use Internet Explorer, please let us know if you are still having problems commenting!
no more having to use my girlfriends computer to comment! IE is up!
Couldn’t you have just downloaded Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or any of the other browsers out there?
p>IE is for the birds. I swear one of the best things to ever happen to the internet was Google Chrome.
My sources, who on this topic are far more secretive than even Ernie’s identity … well, no one will go on the record about this, but I’ve heard tell that some people — it is alleged — comment from their offices. No doubt they do it only on their lunch hour, of course ….
Lots of corporate IT folks prefer Firefox. Just ask ’em. They might be happy to install Firefox on your ahem, friend’s machine.
and his girlfriend has a different browser than Joe, and Joe’s not allowed to have that browser, I don’t think your comment applies. I framed my comment toward Joe, not the business world.
and it’s not like I HAD to use hers, I just didn’t didn’t comment unless I was on hers at the time.
p>I’ve been using IE for about a year and have zero complaints.
People with Black and White TV didn’t have any complaints, either, until they saw a TV with color…
Though I could use Firefox I still mostly use IE.
I really, really loved this feature — can we make a community effort to pay attention to this for when a fix is made?
So when both can be used – “Tweet this” AND IE I would love to have both and not be silencing “some” to have the Tweetability.
To get you your own blog on BMG, PP. It’s the least we can do.
IE users can still reply to specific comments, if they clicked on the comment. It just didn’t work in the main thread.
I could not either “post a comment” or “reply”. Now I can do both again.
In my experience, clicking on an individual comment so that the comment appeared in its own window meant that I could reply in IE.
p>”Tweet this” didn’t appear in such windows. I discovered that by accident. I could not reply to comments in the main thread.
But was keeping it a secret… đŸ™‚
…for me to poop on.
p>I could do without the FecesBook clutter too.
p>Also, get off my lawn.
Thanks for your attention to this problem. I don’t know whether a new user would have had the patience to figure out the glitch and work around it. When it first happened to me, I didn’t have a clue what was going on. The most frustrating thing was that you could post, but you couldn’t respond to the comments made about your post. The fact the Peter Porcupine could made it especially infuriating. :>)
p>IMHO you made a wise decision. Thanks again.
It’s because web designing is a sucky, sucky job because of one thing – Internet Effing Explorer.
p>What other company in the damn world produces a shit browser like IE6 which doesn’t adhere to half of the KNOWN AND EXISTING W3C SPECS…and then, to move the thing along, invents IE7 – which sucked almost WORSE? Then IE8, which fixed SOME stuff but not all.
p>It’s enough to make you go mad, seriously. I don’t even know why I’m in this business, sometimes, after spending hours, HOURS of my time making a site design work in ALL of the existing IE versions – with different fixes for all of them…including IE6 because too many damn people are still stupid enough (or stuck enough – with legacy web apps in the corporate world) to use it.
p>primal scream
you’re making a complaint about Microsoft software.
p>Would you like some help with that?
IF there are specs, AND they are clear (they were) just follow them!
p>It wasn’t rocket science, and it took them THREE TRIES to get it almost right! Meanwhile, lots of people are still using the crappy IE versions that really screw me over.
p>By contract, I can’t curse out all of Microsoft…I think family members of employees have some sort of obligation. đŸ˜€
… browsers, here is a comprehensive performance comparison. From the conclusion:
p>I’d expect this to get revisited as soon as IE9 comes out of beta.