I experienced extreme queasiness while watching Perry’s latest campaign ad. It features the candidate lifting up a young girl and then using her as an example of “leaving a huge deficit for our children.” It appears that the little girl is his granddaughter – she calls him “papa” at the end of the ad.
Cute, eh? If it had been any other candidate, maybe. But all I could think of, as the mother of a daughter myself, is: What would Mr. Perry do if his adorable granddaughter, when she entered her teens, were stripped searched and molested by a group of out of control police officers?
What would he say to the man in charge of that group of police officers? What would he say if the man in charge of these bozos came to his home and told him that his granddaughter had stripped herself, that he did not notice her cries for help, and proceeded to defend the actions of the officers involved?
Would he vote for this guy? I doubt it. My questions for Mr. Perry are: Why should we vote for that guy? Aren’t our daughters and granddaughters just as worthy of respect and protection as yours?
Jeff and Lisa Perry’s first grandchild – Paige Victoria Perry – died when she was a few weeks old from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Paige’s death in 2006 was a huge shock to all who knew the family.
p>I went to the calling hours, and saw the Perry family, including son Chris and daughter-in-law Tiffani, with the tiny white casket. The family took its grief and created the Paige Victoria Perry Foundation to promote research and to help organizations like the New England Organ Bank and the March of Dimes. Jeff has worked tirelessly to promote the fund, and has been able to do a great deal of good out of a tragedy.
p>Chris and Tiffani then had another daughter and named her Faith – to reflect the faith in their own little family to have another child and the faith to continue after loss.
p>I’ve never heard an acknowledgement of any kind about the work Jeff has done on this issue – but of course, it didn’t happen decades ago, so it must not be relevant.
Just curious.
p>CapeCodToday had quite a write-up of the matter from “TRB” last month.
And Bob – I know Walter Brooks and the whole ‘TRB’ scam he’s running. Be VERY careful about quoting Cape Cod Today.
so let’s not attack the blogger, unless you are arguing that the facts are not correct.
…but this post not about that tragedy and shame on you for dredging up the terrible death of an infant to draw attention away from Jeff Perry’s actions and the way he is using his other granddaughter for political cover.
p>A teenage girl accused Jeff Perry of standing by as she was screaming and crying while being sexually assaulted by someone Jeff Perry supervised. Perry of course claims he saw nothing, but to believe that defies logic and Jeff Perry has since displayed a long pattern of deceit and lies (lying to Sandwich voters about a fake college degree, lying on his bar application–which he admitted to the Cape Cod Times–now lying about the issues like his position of Social Security). Because the law suit was settled out of court, Perry can now go about saying anything he wants about that night. And among the lies he can say is he had no idea Scott Flanagan was a creep and that Perry was therefore an unwilling stooge in covering up Flanagan’s next assault.
p>And now Jeff Perry shows us how deeply pathological and morally corrupt he truly is…by using his other granddaughter to subtly counter the negative publicity he is getting for his deplorable past actions.
p>Oh I’m sure you’ll deny this is the case…but do you really think we’re that stupid?
And the text was about the national debt.
p>But stay classy, like your friend Bob, above.
p>There have been dozens of posts about this matter. Frankly, it’s no longer news and the efforts to keep the story alive are getting desperate. And listening to Perry and Keating debate this evening with Jim Braude made it clear that the story is all Keating actually has.
Denying that he was at the scene where a 14 yr girl old girl was screaming and crying while she was being sexually assaulted…is old news?!?!?!? There maybe a criminal statue of limitations, but not a moral statue of limitations and this proves Jeff Perry does not have the moral character to be a Congressman.
p>And PP, people resign or get fired when it is discovered they fake their academic credentials…but Perry wants a promotion…and we’ll see what the Bar of Overseers do about him lying on his Bar application. Perry is simply a complete fraud. It’s hard to stay “classy” when Perry’s actions bring us into the gutter to discuss it.
I merely caution that you should double check before quoting or relying on his writings. For example, he was NOT at the scene of that action of Flanagan’s. Check the transcripts; there was more than one incident involving that officer who was found guilty. As you know, Perry was never charged due to lack of evedence, and was also dropped from the civil suit for that reason.
p>And for you to accuse ME of ‘dredging’ when you focus with laser-like intensity on 19 years ago, ignoring his last ten years re-elected to office, is just rich.
I’m “quoting” the facts as reported by the Globe using court documents
p>And you are either misinformed or trying to bur the facts to create a smoke screen that hides the truth. Given your generally solid command of the facts in the past, I assume the latter is the case.
p>For example, Jeff Perry WAS at the scene of the first assault in the cranberry bog when Flanagan sexually assaulted a crying and screaming 14 year old girl. You check your facts (another fact you have wrong–Flanagan was not found guilty–he pled guilty). Was Perry dropped for the first civil suit? It was settled out of court and the papers are sealed, so we don’t know if he was dropped from that suit. And it amazes me that just because the Blue Shield of Silence continues today (with Perry’s codefendant cutting a TV ad defending Perry, after testifying under oath the Perry is a liar)–and that Perry are never charged with a crime, somehow qualifies him to be a member of Congress. Is that how high you set the bar–he didn’t get charged?
p>Also, let’s look at his record of “integrity” in the last 10 years…he lied to the voters of Sandwich when he tried to pass off a fake college degree, two weeks ago he admitted to the Cape Cod Times that he lied on his bar exam, prompting a ex-Romney official to call for the Bar to investigate. Nope Perry lacks character to be dog catcher…
p>So stop lying about the facts that exist.
The issue is that Jeff Perry stood by while his partner committed criminal sex abuse of a minor and did nothing and saw nothing. Jeff Perry attempted to intimidate the father of one victim by threatening to smear his daughter’s reputation.
p>Jeff Perry had serious issues then, and his behavior since then — especially towards those episodes — only reinforces the observation that this man is not suited for national office.
p>There is nothing “desperate” about this issue. It will not, and should not, go away because it strikes to the heart of this candidate’s personal fiber, integrity, and suitability for national office.
p>Jeff Perry was a sleazebag cop who enabled the criminal sex abuse of minors. He shows every indication that he will bring that same mentality to the office he seeks.
Yes, the little girl in the ad is Jeff Perry’s granddaughter.
p>The smear campaign on Jeff when he was police officer is not true.
p>If the left would just sit back and think on this they would realize a Grand Jury heard the evidence. If Jeff was at the scene as reported by the smear blog, Keating says 5 feet away, Jeff would have been indicted and Keating knows this. I know it tough for Keating, who is a DA, and who has never prosecuted a case in a court room to understand.
p>The Grand Jury heard all the evidence to include hearing from the girls who were involved. Jeff was not mentioned. Now, if what is being told was true, he would have been indicted as a co -defendant or charged with an accessory after the fact, which is a felony. You have to remember, there was a jury hearing the evidence and they met in private and voted to either to return a Bill of Indictment or refuse to return the Bill of Indictment. In this case they returned the bill on Flagan who was tried, found guilty, and sent to prison.
p>This is nothing short of an out of control smear campaign from the Democratic Party and Bill Keating. There was a Civil Suit against the Town of Wareham after Flagan was convicted and sent to prison; again, Jeff Perry was not named in the suit.
p>The voters in the 10th district are seeing through this smear campaign and are supporting Jeff Perry in a big way. There are many fine people in the Democratic Party with whom I have talked to and they are disgusted with their party and Bill Keating for running such a dirty smear campaign and will vote for Jeff Perry.
p>One final thought: Would the Mass State Police endorse someone they thought had done what the left is saying about Jeff Perry?
p>No way, the Mass State Police in fact, have endorsed Jeff Perry.
It’s comical how Republicans are insisting that any talk about Perry’s sad, sordid past is part of some kind of liberal smear campaign. You guys insist with the vehemence of a second grader who has been told by fourth graders that Santa isn’t real.
…because Attorney Wendy Murphy contends that Jeff Perry took the 5th and what better place to take the 5th than secretive grand jury sessions?
p>BTW, nothing that I’ve “charged” necessary reaches the level of criminal…I’ll admit that. But it certainly reaches the level of moral failure, ignoring the screams and cries of a 14 year old girl being “strip searched” by someone he was supervising disqualifies Perry to be an elected dog catcher, never mind a Congressman. You can deny the facts, but even Jeff Perry admits he was in that cranberry bog the night the girl was assaulted. But according to then Sargent Jeff Perry, he acted more like Sargent Schultz that night…he heard nothing (the screams and cries of a 14 yr girl being assaulted), he saw nothing and he knew nothing.
p>There is no smear campaign against Jeff Perry, just a continued coverup–by lying on his bar application about his involvement and by using his co-defendant Tom Joyce in an ad to continue telling lies.
we might add Perry’s certainty that he did the right thing by visiting the girl’s parents house and his inability to “remember” whether he hired Flanagan later on.