Why so many moonbats clog this website with such ridiculous politically-correct blather?
Why Dan Bosley was ever considered a serious candidate for Berkshire County Sheriff when he was trounced in the Dem primary by 63-37?
Why this website sometimes resembles the moral equivalent of a Pat Robertson website, with all of these moonbats warning of fire and brimstone results for anyone who dares to enjoy life?
Why the Harvard Lampoon has yet to parody this website as an example of Cotton Mather disciples, circa 2010?
Please share widely!
Having read this deep philosophical take on moonbattery, I’ve seen the light and will never need to comment again. Thank you, proudlib. Thank you and all your progeny. May all your good works and great thoughts be beacons leading us toward the true light and away from being moonblinked by bats. Or something.
Moonbats without end, amen.
p>Get thee behind me, Moonbat!
You see the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye, and fail to see the plank in your own?
p>C’mon. There is nothing proud, nor liberating in this post. Enjoy your evening.
Spare us your elitism proudlib, go back to your Puritan texts, meditate on Increase Mather, and let us know what you come up with.
“Moonbats in the Hands of an Angry God”