Tom Reilly endorses Charlie Baker…non-shocking news of the day. Tom, Wayne Budd’s very best friend ever, has still not gotten over the fact that he lost the Democratic nomination to Patrick. Tom’s top campaign advisors were Wayne Budd and another GOP favorite Ralph ” your desk or mine” Martin…if you recall they were the twins who advised Tom to anoint Marie St. Fleur as his Lt. Gov. running mate (after Tom had already sealed the same deal with Gabrieli)…the rest is history…
Oh, these GOP operatives who dabble in Democratic politics!!
Sour grapes are so hard to swallow.
Please share widely!
sabutai says
As one of the most vocal Reilly supporters on this site back in 2006, I have to say that this is a great disappointment to me. There’s no logical reason for somebody with Reilly’s public positions to endorse Baker. That means he’s either deciding illogically, or his public positions aren’t his real positions — neither prospect something that speaks well of the man.
cadmium says
personal relationships, grudges & revenge trumping party loyalty, ideology & policy.
somervilletom says
Remember when Tom Reilly was the heir-apparent?
p>The voter’s were right, about both Tom Reilly and Deval Patrick.