Jeff Perry, as we’ve been discussing the past few days, is clearly not fit to serve in the U.S. Congress. Fortunately, the local OFA crew is on the case, and they have organized two major canvassing events in the 10th district this weekend to support Bill Keating. And, even better, they have organized car pools to get you down there! Here’s what you need to know.
The canvasses themselves:
Saturday in Quincy: Meet at 10 a.m. at the Coordinated Campaign office, 15 Cottage Ave, 3rd Floor, Quincy. Canvassing will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Someone will be at the Cottage Street office that entire time if people can’t get there right at 10 a.m. For more info, contact
Sunday in Marshfield: Shifts start at 10am and 1pm. Meet at Success Real Estate, 988 Plain St., Marshfield. For more info, contact
And how to get there, if you need a ride – please click through and RSVP if you want to car pool.
The Carpools (all meet at 10am, both Saturday and Sunday):
Porter Square, Cambridge — Details and sign-up here:…
Whole Foods on Washington St., Brighton — Details and sign-up here:…
Brookline Village T Station, Brookline — Details and sign up here:…
Newton area — Details and sign up here:…
Dudley Train Station, Roxbury — Details and sign up here:…
In front of Home Depot, Arsenal Mall, Watertown — Details and sign up here:…
This may be the single most important thing you can do to keep Jeff Perry out of Congress and send Bill Keating instead. Do what you can.
From us folks in MA10 fighting the good fight, it’s really appreciated. There was a GREAT group of College Dems that swept through Plymouth last weekend. For all the news noise, it’s those feet on the ground that will make the biggest difference.
We can use all the help we can get in the 10th! Bill Keating’s opponent has a troubling track record with the truth. He is also a candidate of INACTION — he failed to act and JUST STOOD THERE as a 14 year old girl was sexually assaulted right in front of him and he has failed to act as a State Rep with just a 25K grant for the Sandwich Glass Museum to show for his eight years.
p>In contrast, Bill Keating is a candidate of ACTION that you can TRUST. Please help send him to Washington as the district’s next Congressman!
We are canvassing Precincts in Plymouth & Kingston and need help. If you can knock on doors on Saturday or Sunday at 12 pm, please contact donna gill at dgill@devalpatrick.Com or come to democratic coordinated campaign headquarters at 22a court at in Plymouth center. Call 508-816-6923 for more info.
It’s not bad enough that William Keating gets all his campaign donations from outside the district… it’s not bad enough that the candidate himself is a carpetbagger who the Globe reports changed his residence this year from Sharon (where he grew up and lived his whole life) to Quincy SO THAT he could run for this seat…
p>But now you’re BUSING people in from all over the state??? What, he can’t find anyone who actually LIVES here to help him out? Does anyone else find that utterly pathetic???
p>Well, one piece of sincere advice I would give is this – you should ask your union guy who does the same Rte 3 overpass standout to look up from his book every once in a while and pretend he gives a crap about this election – because there’s a HUGE enthusiasm gap for Bill Keating right now. He just might be a worse candidate than Marsha Coakley.
I distinctly remember doing a standout in Plymouth, back in January for Martha Coakley, while a bunch of toothless, teabagging, hillbillies from out of state showed up and waved their Gadsden Flags in support of Scott Brown. (When they weren’t driving by in their truck campers flipping us the bird.) I don’t recall any MassGOPers of RMGers complaining back then about the ou of district mutual aid.
I’ll take an alleged “carpetbagger” from a couple of towns over from the district, rather than a candidate supported by “teabaggers” from a few states over, any time. Or in Perry’s case, a candidate who covered up for a “carpetgrabber”.
But as to the larger point, I can assure you that Jeff’s supporters are from right here in the tenth district, and they will be working hard to get everyone they know to go out and vote for him, so bus in all the carpetbaggers you want, it won’t make a difference when it comes to actual voting.
And I don’t believe I’ve seen so many angry white men outside of old civil rights photos of kids integating schools. And, yes, judging from the license plates on trucks and buses, most were from other states. One guy who was so upset, his face was all red and twisted as he shouted obscenites and stuck his middle finger in the air, didn’t seem to notice the effect on his young son cowering in the passenger seat. He was definitely not from Plymouth.