Finally, an independent poll of the 10th congressional district! And it shows what a lot of people probably thought was the case: the race is a dead heat, and way too close to call. Email (no link yet) – update: link here:
With just over two weeks to go before Election Day, an exclusive WGBH poll of the 10th Congressional District [400 LVs, cell and land lines, live interviews] shows that among likely voters, 41 percent support Republican Jeff Perry, 40 percent support Democrat Bill Keating and 13 percent are undecided. When undecided voters were asked which way they lean, the overall numbers move to 46 percent in support of Keating and 43 percent in support of Perry. These numbers are all within the margin of error [which is +/- 4.9%].
Other numbers from the poll sound pretty plausible to me:
Among the same voters, 56 percent have a favorable view of President Barack Obama and they narrowly support Question 3 (to reduce the state’s sales tax), 49 percent in favor, 43 percent opposed.
So, the message is simple: this race is eminently winnable. We just have to outwork the other side.
Do what you can. Do it now.
Volunteer for MA-10.
for a liberal organization (not coordinating with Keating) to drive down Perry’s favorables and increase Perry’s unfavorables with lots of ads and fliers tying Perry with the multiple instances of sexual assault perpetrated by the police.
p>I’m not arguing that I would or wouldn’t support such an ad campaign, nor am I arguing that Keating would or wouldn’t approve. The fact is, it’s legal to do it as long as there’s no coordination with the campaign, and it’s the kind of thing the candidate is loathe to do himself.
He refers to the multiple (2) assaults over and over, trying to create the impression there were dozens. Not that great on Cape, as this is not the news it was to voters here who reelected Perry several times. Must be depending on only Quincy votes
p>I have not yet seen a positive Keating ad – print or television.
this one. What a disgrace to the state it is that this scoundrel Perry is probably going to win. Just real bad. Makes me feel like a lot of our voters have something fundamentally wrong with them, either mentally or spiritually.
No, no, no. Perry’s shot at winning it is 50% at best, and maybe less given the substantial Democratic advantage in voter registration. That’s my point: this race is not lost. But it will be if we throw in the towel now.
Thanks for the reminder.
Everyone, throw in what you can!