Once again, Christy Mihos is paying attention while Mitt Romney, Kerry Healey, and Scott Brown have their heads, well, you know…
How’s this for weird: a well-respected Republican spoke the truth about State Representative Jeff Perry on Red Mass Group. Who would be so brave as to bash the darling of the extreme right in our blue state? None other than perennial gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos.
Here’s what he had to say about Mr. Perry:
What People are saying………
More and more people I talk to who have daughters can not get over the Wareham issue. Independents are particularly turned off by this issue. Its not a liberal or a conservative issue. its fundamental—and its a considerable barrier to winning. My wife and daughter will not vote R in the 10th.
______________________________________by: Christy Mihos @ Mon Oct 11, 2010 at 08:06:32 AM EDT
its reality pal
That’s what the People are taking about. How’s this grab you—“no self-respecting parent of a daughter would vote for Perry”. I never knew of this issue and have been supporting Perry for some time now. Yes–I supported Joe Malone and was proud to do it. he took on the insiders, ran a great lottery and pension system and took responsibility for the actions of his employees in the treasury. What is it about you cowards that hide behind these e-mail addresses that gets you off nuclear when a person comments on what people are saying. Yes a Final Election is very, very different from a Republican Primary and if you don’t know that sorry. I fear this stuff will linger and get worse.
______________________________________by: Christy Mihos @ Mon Oct 11, 2010 at 19:08:56 PM EDT
If Christy Mihos has heard it from enough people (and his own family!)to make a public comment about it, I’d be worried if I were Mr. Perry. The people of the 10th Congressional District deserve someone who they can trust to do their work in Washington – Jeff Perry is not that candidate.
I have a feeling there will be a lot of people with daughters voting in this election – they’ll be voting for the candidate that they can TRUST to do what’s right for the 10th, the candidate that has spent his career in law enforcement prosecuting sexual predators and protecting victims, not the candidate who spent his career in law enforcement protecting a sexual predator and threatening victims.
Christy has it right; When will Perry-endorsers Scott Brown, Mitt Romney, and Kerry Healey catch on?
Christy Mihos is nothing more than loose cannon, short on gunpowder. He calls himself a Republican but refuses to obey the 11th Commandment.
p>Mr. Mihos trash mouthing of Jeff Perry is just sour grapes because his boy Malone got his butt kicked. Mihos lives on the Cape in Yarmouth. He couldn’t get Malone 600 votes in Yarmouth in the primary and I understand there are over 3,000 registered Republicans in Yarmouth.
p>Now. if Mr. Mihos is correct, then why has Jeff Perry received over 900,000 dollars, so far, from over 3,000 individual contributors? The answer is simple. The voters in the 10th district pay no attention to him and see Jeff Parry as the next Congressman.
p>The Democratic Party is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to smear Mr. Perry. Mr. Keating shouldn’t throw stones, especially after he as accepted a political contribution from an Attorney who represents a client who is being prosecuted by Keating. The Cape Cod Times has reported this.
p>The Republicans are calling this a conflict of Interest but here is another definition that must be raised. Take a look at what Bribery is under Mass Law. http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=et…
A large part of me thinks that there’s a great many Republicans in this state who think they’d be fairing better with Mihos on the ticket than Baker. At least Mihos is like-able.
p>BTW: Mihos always polled just about as well as Baker did in the GOP primary, back when Mihos was still in it. Let’s remember it was party insiders who kept him from the ballot. Seems to me, at least, plenty of the party insiders ignored your advice to “pay no attention to Christy Mihos,” I’d suggest that was for a reason.
Is in “thrust and parry”?
Have though, expressed what many, many people are saying about the judgement issue in Wareham. Have donated to the Perry campaigns in the past and to his family’s charity AND walked at his charity walk for SIDS. have allowed him to put his signs on my business properties in the past. Jeff Perry worked for my company back in 1983 until 1986. I have nothing to trash him for. But its ironic that my comments about what I hear in the district, and what I hear at home would be trashed by so many. Its a Democracy folks. As to this 11th commandment—I had at least 9 letters signed personally by the true believers of the 11th commandment sent to every delegate and alternate in the state about me. ALL were slanderous and negative to a fault. many of the esteemed officials who signed these letters cashed my checks as candidates over the years and put their signs all over my properties. Don’t give me this shit about the 11th commandment. thank you for your service Retired Veteran.