In defense of that two bit *&$#, Paul Loscocco,
WTKK’s Michael Graham, called Governor Deval Patrick a NAZI.
Graham said it was okay for Loscocco to sell his body to Charlie Baker, aka, The John,
because Loscocco was like a Brit or a French soldier shooting NAZIS. Weak over used imagery but speaks volumes abour Graham’s mind set.
Graham made the statement on-air around 11:15AM this morning.
Blue Mass might want to call and ask for a copy of the offending tape
Please share widely!
Cause they were all big fans of blacks in positions of power.
This guy is a 3rd rate Beck wannabe and 6th rate Rush wannabe..
p>Like any other 3 year old, it’s the attention he craves…
p>Why do any of you bother listening?
p>Only Todd Feinberg on WRKO is more reprehensible..
p>Both have a subset of a subset listenership made up solely of the right wing blowhard Uncles with whom most of us are forced to spend Thanksgiving!