BMG News has called every statewide and congressional race in Massachusetts for the Democrats.
Based on the results as of now, BMG’s statisticians have concluded that at this point, there is very little likelihood of any Republican pickups in MA outside the state legislature. Even races like Auditor, in which Mary Connaughton was thought to have a good chance, are now projected to go for the Democrats.
In the hotly-contested 10th congressional district, Jeff Perry appears to be losing by a substantial margin. And the highly-touted Frank/Bielat matchup in the 4th district is looking like a blowout for Barney Frank.
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It is very close but looks like it may pas. Q2 and Q3 being soundly defeated.
We’re held in a death hug by the passel of lunatics beyond our Commonwealth’s borders.
p>Incredible stuff out there, incredible.
Haha, hey, if BMG can do it…
p>I’m a little late to the Patrick party here, but I don’t see how Baker can possibly make up the margin given what’s left out there. I would expect it to tighten a bit — Patrick will probably fall short of 50% — but he’s got it.
p>It is indeed looking like a clean sweep here in the Commonwealth. It’s like Massachusetts is back to the role it played in 1972. Don’t blame us, we voted for Democrats!
Welcome to the party. Anyone can play. Have a look at the legislature races. Lots going on there too. Lori Ehrlich and BMGer Dan Winslow have both won. Follow #magov and #mapoli on Twitter too.
Jim Braude calls it perfectly. It helps to temper the national mood just a bit.
I was going to go over there and mess with ’em, but it’s awfully quiet.
they’re still out holding signs.
We are just about finished with the nastiest election season in my voting history (40 years). I’d just as soon enjoy a little quiet. Besides, we still have to deal with the fallout from the national story and Congress, but I do like our local races. See, Patrick wasn’t the pushover everyone expected after the Coakley Brown race. Just image though, what might have happened with a better candidate than Baker, and more appropriate candidates than Perry and Hudat.
Auditor’s race is at 1%. Bump’s up but not enough that you should be comfortable calling it.
I am now too. AP called it.
Now we can all go watch videos of the 2004 ALCS.
so a minus 1 in the senate. Gains in the house are mostly from Bristol and Worcester.
from the ground up if they ever hope to control state government. Just waiting for celebrity candidates for governor won’t do it if they refuse to do the grunt work and bring up real candidates for the small jobs and the state legislature. They had a golden opportunity during the Weld through Romney years, but didn’t seem interested in getting their hands dirty.
p>Well, they nailed it.
p>Rasmussen, not so much.