Twenty or so people in line. I was #5. Poll workers were told to expect it to be very busy and to follow their protocols to the letter, even if the person voting is their relative or neighbor.
Busy here this morning…
Whatever the outcome, I just want to commend the town of Duxbury election board, who this year opened the polls at 6 am. Anyone on the South Shore who commutes can see the wisdom in that move. #3 voter in my precinct.
and makes it much easier for us Rte 3/Train/Bus commuter drones.
Maybe they discontinued it for a year or so, but they definitely used to do it back in the early 2000s. Maybe before that, too.
I thought MA had a statewide standard that could not be locally overridden.
over 250 people had voted in Mansfield by 7:30. this is an R town so not a good sign for Dems but we Dems have a good GOTV operation in Mansfield so that may be part of the turnout.
I guess you need to be. But high turn out for Dems and it’s before the after work crowd!!!!
At Pct 6.
Some 123 had voted by 7:45 am. Only a couple in front of me. Busy. Steady.
p>Out all day on Sat. doing visibility at Stop and Shop intersection with 5 or 6 others and then canvassing in my Precinct.
p>Sen. Terry Murray showed up Sat AM for 2 hours and talked with those going into Stop and Shop as well in cold, blustery weather. We saw no Republicans doing either canvassing or visibilty on Sat. in this town.
p>Part of me thinks this is the sort of thing that can motivate people to vote — to mark it off. It’ll be interesting to see.
Headed down to Elm Park Towers on Pleasant St. around 9am to go vote. Everything went smoothly as usual. It wasn’t busy but there were more people than I expected, which was a pleasant surprise – this precinct almost always has a really crappy turnout.
Hi nieghbor! I am in 10-1, so I vote at the same location. Haven’t been yet, I always go around 5PM so I can gauge turnout. Great to hear that it’s a bit busier, 10-1 and 10-3 turnout usually sucks.
p>I’m poll watching in 10-2 (Cedar St.) from 1-4PM, so I’ll report numbers from precincts 2 and 3 once I am done checking and voting!
10-1: 388 voted as of 4:30PM
10-2: 300 voted as of 4:00PM
10-3: 371 voted as of 4:30PM
p>Not huge numbers for any of those precincts, but solid and steady from my years of watching the numbers. Each precinct has about 1400 registered voters.
I was voter 84 at 8:15 this AM. There were about 5 other voters there when I was voting. Considering our precinct usually only gets about 800 votes it looked like pretty heavy turnout to me.
I feel like we only got 300 or so in that general election, but I might be thinking of the primary…
p>I voted a few weeks ago at town hall in Hudson, as I thought I was going to be in Houston this week for work. I drove by this morning (Precincts 6 & 7 vote there) and it looked very crowded. Jamie Eldridge’s campaign office is less than a block away, and things look busy.
Hope you voted YES on question 4.
p>Turnout seemed heavier than usual Precinct 4 Mulready School
Was voter #38 in precinct 4 at 7:10am, with a steady stream of customers (precinct 5 votes there as well).
p>Guy with a “Yes on 1” sign outside loudly complaining about “double taxation”. Resisted the temptation to ask if paying federal income, Social Security, excise, state sales, activity fees, turnpike tolls, and town property taxes is quadruple, quintuple, or dodecahedron taxation. Also resisted the temptation to ask him which liquor store or beer distributor he works for. Or what planet he lives on.
Ward 7, Pct 1 had 511 voters at 10:30 AM. High turnout
I voted around 11:30. Mine was the 498th ballot. I voted around the same time on Primary Day, when my ballot was #123.
Voted at about 10:30 in Norwell. I was vote #473 in precinct 3. People had to wait for parking spaces — not sure I’ve seen that before (and I’ve lived here 8 years).
p>Norwell is normally pretty red but I’ve seen a good number of Keating yard sign lately.
At 11:30 a.m. First time I’ve ever had to wait in line for a booth.
Number 126 at 11:30 this morning. No standout, though driving in from Gill at about 9:00 there were two Dems at the Gill fire station with No on 1-2-3, Patrick, and Denise Andrews signs.
p>In the Dem Senate primary in Dec 2009 I was number #107 at 3:30 pm.
p>In 2006 and 2008 I was working all election day in NH and voted absentee, so I don’t have a baseline to compare these with.
Holliston is a swing-town which leans R, and the enthusiasm of the Rs is definitely up there. Heavy turn-out and a full parking lot at Holliston High — this in a town with a total population of 14,000 or so. There were 158 votes cast in my precinct (#2 out of 4), so at least 600 votes already and people coming in. The presence of the flu shot clinic (running 7-9 and 5-8) may also boost turn-out.
p>Since Loscocco–a hometown boy–is still on the ballot, I wonder how many votes will be cast for Cahill.
Wife and I voted at about 8:15 this morning and we were #140 and #141 in our precinct. Every booth seemed to be filled, but no line because poll workers kept everything moving smoothly.
p>I think this would be considered good turnout (not sure, just moved here). Seems like a strongly Democratic town and Patrick got 54.4% here in 2006.
p>On an unrelated note, I got 2 votes for Plymouth County Sheriff and 1 vote for State Senate (not my own).
The Globe has a poll watcher section, all self-reporting and obviously not exactly scientific. Just the same, the results are interesting. I looked at a lot of the big towns (the smaller towns have only one or two responses, and out west there is very little reported), where Patrick seems to be doing well.
p>I found the results on Question 3 to be encouraging. Of 100 Patrick votes I looked at, there were only 2 who voted yes on Q. 3. On the Baker side, Q. 3 was roughly 50-50. Cahill wasn’t doing too well at all, and his small handful of supporters was splitting their votes on Q. 3.
p>My fearless predictions: Patrick wins, and Q 3. is rejected by the voters.
voted at 1:30, spoke to a Dwyer worker there who told me I got there at the first lull he’d seen all day. Bad news is that Reading is generally red, and there was a long line looking for parking when I left.
p>Take that for what it’s worth.
Funny story – I’m standing there holding a sign and chatting with Richard Neal when Tom Wesley walks up with a box of sandwiches. What does he offer us? Baloney!! A Republican handing out baloney at the polls – I think my LOL hurt his ear drums…
That’s a really tricky polling place to find. If you are trying to drive there, all the streets are one-way against you.
was voter 1,115 of 2,483 at about 4:30
I worked at the polls from 7-9 AM in Acton. Traffic was pretty high
p>If you ever have an opportunity to work in your polling place, I would highly recommend the activity. Saw lots of familiar faces, some poignant, some inspirational. Our kids’ pediatrician, now retired. Little League teammates of my son, now grown to their mid-20s. Sasha, born the the Soviet Union, here for the last 20 years, beaming as he left.
At 8:30 AM the poll was as busy as I’ve ever seen it. On my way past again at 6 PM, still busy. When my wife voted at 11:30, also busy. Most of the visibility is for congressional challenger Bill Gunn, the guy who shouted “Kill the Bill” from the gallery in Congress during the debate on health care reform. No sign of John Olver anywhere. No Deval signs in the morning but they managed to get one person to stand out tonight.
Very high turnout…likely over 60% perhaps as high as 65%.
Twenty or so people in line. I was #5. Poll workers were told to expect it to be very busy and to follow their protocols to the letter, even if the person voting is their relative or neighbor.
Busy here this morning…
Whatever the outcome, I just want to commend the town of Duxbury election board, who this year opened the polls at 6 am. Anyone on the South Shore who commutes can see the wisdom in that move. #3 voter in my precinct.
and makes it much easier for us Rte 3/Train/Bus commuter drones.
Maybe they discontinued it for a year or so, but they definitely used to do it back in the early 2000s. Maybe before that, too.
I thought MA had a statewide standard that could not be locally overridden.
over 250 people had voted in Mansfield by 7:30. this is an R town so not a good sign for Dems but we Dems have a good GOTV operation in Mansfield so that may be part of the turnout.
I guess you need to be. But high turn out for Dems and it’s before the after work crowd!!!!
At Pct 6.
Some 123 had voted by 7:45 am. Only a couple in front of me. Busy. Steady.
p>Out all day on Sat. doing visibility at Stop and Shop intersection with 5 or 6 others and then canvassing in my Precinct.
p>Sen. Terry Murray showed up Sat AM for 2 hours and talked with those going into Stop and Shop as well in cold, blustery weather. We saw no Republicans doing either canvassing or visibilty on Sat. in this town.
in honor of our arrival at 7:05. Already some 15 voters which is great for us.
p>Go Ward 15!
is a lot of fun.
p>Part of me thinks this is the sort of thing that can motivate people to vote — to mark it off. It’ll be interesting to see.
Headed down to Elm Park Towers on Pleasant St. around 9am to go vote. Everything went smoothly as usual. It wasn’t busy but there were more people than I expected, which was a pleasant surprise – this precinct almost always has a really crappy turnout.
Hi nieghbor! I am in 10-1, so I vote at the same location. Haven’t been yet, I always go around 5PM so I can gauge turnout. Great to hear that it’s a bit busier, 10-1 and 10-3 turnout usually sucks.
p>I’m poll watching in 10-2 (Cedar St.) from 1-4PM, so I’ll report numbers from precincts 2 and 3 once I am done checking and voting!
10-1: 388 voted as of 4:30PM
10-2: 300 voted as of 4:00PM
10-3: 371 voted as of 4:30PM
p>Not huge numbers for any of those precincts, but solid and steady from my years of watching the numbers. Each precinct has about 1400 registered voters.
I was voter 84 at 8:15 this AM. There were about 5 other voters there when I was voting. Considering our precinct usually only gets about 800 votes it looked like pretty heavy turnout to me.
I feel like we only got 300 or so in that general election, but I might be thinking of the primary…
p>I voted a few weeks ago at town hall in Hudson, as I thought I was going to be in Houston this week for work. I drove by this morning (Precincts 6 & 7 vote there) and it looked very crowded. Jamie Eldridge’s campaign office is less than a block away, and things look busy.
Hope you voted YES on question 4.
p>Turnout seemed heavier than usual Precinct 4 Mulready School
Was voter #38 in precinct 4 at 7:10am, with a steady stream of customers (precinct 5 votes there as well).
p>Guy with a “Yes on 1” sign outside loudly complaining about “double taxation”. Resisted the temptation to ask if paying federal income, Social Security, excise, state sales, activity fees, turnpike tolls, and town property taxes is quadruple, quintuple, or dodecahedron taxation. Also resisted the temptation to ask him which liquor store or beer distributor he works for. Or what planet he lives on.
Ward 7, Pct 1 had 511 voters at 10:30 AM. High turnout
I voted around 11:30. Mine was the 498th ballot. I voted around the same time on Primary Day, when my ballot was #123.
Voted at about 10:30 in Norwell. I was vote #473 in precinct 3. People had to wait for parking spaces — not sure I’ve seen that before (and I’ve lived here 8 years).
p>Norwell is normally pretty red but I’ve seen a good number of Keating yard sign lately.
At 11:30 a.m. First time I’ve ever had to wait in line for a booth.
Number 126 at 11:30 this morning. No standout, though driving in from Gill at about 9:00 there were two Dems at the Gill fire station with No on 1-2-3, Patrick, and Denise Andrews signs.
p>In the Dem Senate primary in Dec 2009 I was number #107 at 3:30 pm.
p>In 2006 and 2008 I was working all election day in NH and voted absentee, so I don’t have a baseline to compare these with.
Holliston is a swing-town which leans R, and the enthusiasm of the Rs is definitely up there. Heavy turn-out and a full parking lot at Holliston High — this in a town with a total population of 14,000 or so. There were 158 votes cast in my precinct (#2 out of 4), so at least 600 votes already and people coming in. The presence of the flu shot clinic (running 7-9 and 5-8) may also boost turn-out.
p>Since Loscocco–a hometown boy–is still on the ballot, I wonder how many votes will be cast for Cahill.
Wife and I voted at about 8:15 this morning and we were #140 and #141 in our precinct. Every booth seemed to be filled, but no line because poll workers kept everything moving smoothly.
p>I think this would be considered good turnout (not sure, just moved here). Seems like a strongly Democratic town and Patrick got 54.4% here in 2006.
p>On an unrelated note, I got 2 votes for Plymouth County Sheriff and 1 vote for State Senate (not my own).
The Globe has a poll watcher section, all self-reporting and obviously not exactly scientific. Just the same, the results are interesting. I looked at a lot of the big towns (the smaller towns have only one or two responses, and out west there is very little reported), where Patrick seems to be doing well.
p>I found the results on Question 3 to be encouraging. Of 100 Patrick votes I looked at, there were only 2 who voted yes on Q. 3. On the Baker side, Q. 3 was roughly 50-50. Cahill wasn’t doing too well at all, and his small handful of supporters was splitting their votes on Q. 3.
p>My fearless predictions: Patrick wins, and Q 3. is rejected by the voters.
If the vast majority of Patrick’s people vote no on 3, and it’s basically even amongst Baker voters, q3 goes down in flames.
Here’s the link if you want to look / participate.
p>They do require you to enter an email address, so the results could be marginally better than your average web poll (but probably not much).
I voted this morning at 9:45 AM at Arlington City Hall, precinct 8.
p>It was very slow, but my wife said that when she voted 45 minutes earlier it was packed.
p>I was voter #281.
voted at 1:30, spoke to a Dwyer worker there who told me I got there at the first lull he’d seen all day. Bad news is that Reading is generally red, and there was a long line looking for parking when I left.
p>Take that for what it’s worth.
Funny story – I’m standing there holding a sign and chatting with Richard Neal when Tom Wesley walks up with a box of sandwiches. What does he offer us? Baloney!! A Republican handing out baloney at the polls – I think my LOL hurt his ear drums…
I voted at Boston English High. This is the bluest neighborhood around. It was like a ghost town.
I voted at the Mozart School in Roslindale. Turnout was pretty light at 7:30 a.m., which is usually prime time for working folks.
That’s a really tricky polling place to find. If you are trying to drive there, all the streets are one-way against you.
was voter 1,115 of 2,483 at about 4:30
I worked at the polls from 7-9 AM in Acton. Traffic was pretty high
p>If you ever have an opportunity to work in your polling place, I would highly recommend the activity. Saw lots of familiar faces, some poignant, some inspirational. Our kids’ pediatrician, now retired. Little League teammates of my son, now grown to their mid-20s. Sasha, born the the Soviet Union, here for the last 20 years, beaming as he left.
At 8:30 AM the poll was as busy as I’ve ever seen it. On my way past again at 6 PM, still busy. When my wife voted at 11:30, also busy. Most of the visibility is for congressional challenger Bill Gunn, the guy who shouted “Kill the Bill” from the gallery in Congress during the debate on health care reform. No sign of John Olver anywhere. No Deval signs in the morning but they managed to get one person to stand out tonight.
Very high turnout…likely over 60% perhaps as high as 65%.