was a significant win of 17 GOP MA House seats. Not bad at all and a great start to getting some balance.
But another stark result was the GOP now holding 37 Governor seats around the country up from 24. Significant for the redistricting but also for budget/spending cuts at state levels.
Another remarkable number was the GOP now controls both houses in 26 states with an increase of 628 state legislative (including 14 states with both houses and the Governorship).
MA was certainly not part of this wave but I think we lost the battle in MA but won the war in the US. It will be interesting to see how states balance their budgets from these Republican run states vs states like MA. How does Governor Patrick intend to balance the $2.5B shortfall coming up?
kbusch says
This has already been commented on.
johnd says
mr-lynne says
p>With so many posts going up right after the election this one was only up for a couple of days before it dropped off I think.
kbusch says
Berating us for not discussing something without checking whether it is true reflects a lack of scrupulousness for getting things right.
christopher says
My prediction is the GOP Governors will be more willing to balance budgets on the backs of society’s most vulnerable, though Patrick has come in for criticism on that front too. The reason the MA GOP gains were “lost” is that they weren’t all that significant in the scheme of things, though I HAVE heard plenty of discussion about new GOP Governors (though not in CA, NY, IL three huge states) and their effect on redistricting.
johnd says
Gov Christie and push back on out of control pensions and benefits to state workers and say no to union pressures to keep them employed “instead” of cutting society’s most valuable.