Sorry, I just can’t help myself. After reviewing the “Menino for Senate” post for the second time and struggling with just where to begin in composing a comment, the above title came to my mind.
I’m not denying that there are good things that can be said about the Reign of Tom. I’m not a resident of Boston, so I lack the familiarity with his career that many posters here have. I can say that, based upon my observations over the past few decades, Tom Menino epitomizes a lot of what is wrong with the Democratic party in Massachusetts, in particular the “machine” part of it. This is not the proper model for our future.
So it’s not about his age (compared to Pelosi?) or his diction (compared to Frank?). It’s about how he runs the show.
His senate candidacy would not be a good choice for the party
p>Love him as a mayor! but not as a Senator
Maybe we wouldn’t have lost so many seats this election
He would make a darn good President.
p>Actually, I think Menino has done a lot of good for the city over these last years. But that video just doesn’t get old.
..I like that one, though I’m partial to the Mitt Romney hit piece; “Mitt Romney’s a friendless liar”.