For the better part of post 2008 election period, we have been deluged with an almost non-stop rant about the failures of “progressive” ideas in America. Some have been so bold, or naive if you will, to suggest that the rise of the Tea Party Movement and the 2010 election have spelled the beginning of the end for “Progressives” and all that they stand for. According to this premise Americans now want to do away with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, Disability and Workers Compensation, the 40 hour Week, Workplace and Product Safety, Weekends and Holidays Off From Work, Environmental Safety, Financial Reform, ad infinitum. The “people” now want to return to a world where you work 12 hours a day, six days a week for straight time wages, no overtime, no retirement plans and no employer provided healthcare. Moreover, you will be happy to do so and even happier to forgo all of the workplace health and safety standards that you have enjoyed for the past half century or more. The “people” will now look forward to consumer products that are less safe, water and air that is more likely to harm one’s health and rivers and seashores that are far less inviting on a hot summer afternoon due to the higher levels of pollution. Oh and least I forget, the “people” will spend half of their day off so they can go to church and thank God for the end of “progressive” ideas in America and a return to the unrestrained “free market system” that brought you economic inequality and the Great Depression.
Of course, to some extent, I am being sarcastic in the above. But don’t fool yourselves, there are those among us who have completely misread this historic election and are well along the way to furthering their self delusion in the process. What you have just witnessed is the biggest hustle job in American political history. The Tea Partiers are already being shunted off to the side as Boehner and his minions divvy up the committee chairmanships among seasoned and veteran politicos. And let’s not forget all of the outside cash that flowed into the G.O.P. during the 2010 midterms, those donors will be up on Capitol Hill shortly looking for their payback. And this just out: “Michele Bachmann’s Leadership Bid Gets Cool Reaction” -“Self-proclaimed tea party leader Michele Bachmann’s bid for a top Republican post in the House received a cool reaction Thursday from Speaker-to-be John Boehner, an early test of how GOP leaders will treat the antiestablishment movement’s winners in Tuesday’s elections.”(
Thus, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Welcome to two more years of political gridlock, and it’s brought to you by the folks who want to “take their country back.”
Steven J. Gulitti
Google would indicate we are not the sole “beneficiary” of this “article”
p>Of course, to some extent, I am being sarcastic in the above.
I have multiple blogsites across the Internet. Is there a prohibition with that on this one? Are we prohibited to post here what we posted somewhere else? If it’s such a big deal, I won’t post here anymore as I get much more action in the way of readership at other locations.
p>If it personally bothers you that my posts appear here and elsewhere, perhaps you should skip over them in the future!
You write boring stuff and spam it everywhere. Perhaps you should learn how to write! đŸ™‚
p>The common convention when posting something multiple places is to indicate that you are cross-positing.
You write boring stuff and spam it everywhere.
p>SJG: Oh Really, then perhaps you should visit Capitol Hill Blue’s Reader Rant and noodle around in there and see how many comments have been put to my articles. Oh and then you can go over to the Denver Post Message Boards: Politics West or Colorado Voices and Commentary, some of my posts have had over 4000 reads, some over 5000.
p>Perhaps you should learn how to write!
p>SJG: Perhaps you should tell that to Joan Walsh and Kerry Lauerman over at Salon seeing as they awarded two of my articles an Editors Pick, I guess you know more about this game then they do, huh? Perhaps you should get your head out of your fanny and mind your own business!
Your diaries here are never quoted, rarely recommended, and never front-paged. Wonder why?
p>Perhaps because you no clue how to write for the internet?
Reply to KBusch @ Tue Nov 09, 2010 at 20:40:34 PM EST “Your diaries here are never quoted, rarely recommended, and never front-paged. Wonder why?”
p>SJG: Actually I don’t really care what happens here as I get plenty of good action on other venues and as I said, I received the “Editor’s Pick” twice on which is a far more prestigious venue than is Blue Mass Group. I have had articles published in the Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute and the Twin Cities Pulse. Moreover, several of my pieces have appeared as follow on links on The Huffington Post, The Wharton School of Business Magazine, The South East Asia Times among other sources so I will take the above, first and foremost as affirmation of the validity and quality of my work.
p>K Busch wrote: “Perhaps because you no clue how to write for the internet?”
p>SJG: Perhaps you yourself seem to have trouble writing a good sentence judging by the sloppiness of your sentence above!
p>K Busch wrote: You footnote things at the bottom like a college paper.
p>SJG: Which I actually have stopped doing here, but it’s a practice that is viewed favorably on other venues.
p>K Busch wrote: You don’t understand the “cross-posting” thing
p>SJG: You’re the first person to have a problem with that aside from the guy who runs so I am inclined not to take this criticism too seriously.
p>K Busch wrote: You still haven’t mastered basic formatting despite spamming your “essays” everywhere.”
p>SJG: As I said the proof of the pudding is in eating it and I have the accolades and action on other sites to back up my claim.
p>K Busch wrote: You don’t participate in discussions here. Leaving diaries without commenting is generally regarded as rude on most community blogs.
p>SJG: Again, you’re the first guy to make an issue of this. I participate on some and not on others.
p>K Busch wrote: You’re not even from Massachusetts – never mind Minnesota.
p>SJG: So what, the topics are of national interest and importance.
p>K Busch wrote: You write in a wordy style, with huge paragraphs heavily laden with pompous language. No one reads that kind of thing.
p>SJG: Sorry, wrong once again, just go check out my entries on Capitol Hill Blue, The Denver Post or The Nashua Telegraph and you can prove it to yourself. The hits on my posts usually register in the hundreds and thousands so you are clearly wrong in your assertion. As I said before, if you don’t like my style then don’t read my posts, it’s as simple as that!
and that is a sign that you don’t understand this medium.
No, it’s an indication that you have been beaten and no longer have any fight left inside of you.
p>The great John L. Lewis once described an employer’s offer as “pretty small potatoes”. Funny but that phrase describes you as well.
p>As I said before, my bona fides are established and if you don’t like my posts you need not comment on them in the future. You’re just another soul wandering about the blogosphere, nothing more, and nothing less.
You certainly are a stubborn little twit. I suppose you are one of those people who think that having the last word makes them right.
p>You know I was thinking you seem to think that you are the final arbiter around here as to what is worth reading and what is not. Now consider this, Joan Walsh, the editor of thought enough of two of my articles to award them with “The Editor’s Pick”. Likewise the editors of the U.S. Naval Institute and the now defunct Twin Cities Pulse both thought enough of my work to publish it in there magazines. That said, who on earth would care what you think seeing as you’re just another schlep with a computer and a keyboard. See what I am driving at?
and then I’ll care about what you have to say.
p>Hint: No one else here titles things “Reply to KBusch @ Fri Nov 12, 2010 at 20:42:15 PM EST”.
p>Certainly, if you were such a great and awesome writer you’d be capable of terse and replies.
p>You aren’t.
“Hint: No one else here titles things “Reply to KBusch @ Fri Nov 12, 2010 at 20:42:15 PM EST”.
p>SJG: So what?
either that or we’re talking about cognitive deficiency.
Let’s look at your opening paragraph:
Your first sentence is too wordy. It packs in too much. Do multiple people contribute to a single rant? Not on this planet. Your second sentence begins with a very fussy expression, “Some have been so bold, or naive if you will.” One doesn’t write like this in an opening paragraph. The quotes around progressive make no sense either.
p>In short, this is crappy writing. Joan Walsh, for example, never writes like this and nor does anyone else on Salon’s payroll.
“In short, this is crappy writing. Joan Walsh, for example, never writes like this and nor does anyone else on Salon’s payroll.”
p>SJG: You need to be honest with yourself about your own opinion. You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. I have had far more positive comments on my writing and my style than negative. Again, if my writing is “so crappy” then why did Joan Walsh award two of my articles an “Editor’s Pick”. You can go on bleating about my writing till the cows come home, but as I told you, you are a nobody trying to be a somebody and what you have to say matters not to me.
You think Joan Walsh personally reads everything on Salon! Let me take a moment for a hearty chuckle.
p>Well, I won’t disillusion you. I’m sure she’ll send you a Christmas card, too.
p>Nonetheless, after scanning through seven pages of the top rated bloggers, I notice your name is absent. An oversight? Maybe it’s because you haven’t learned HTML. Maybe it’s because you haven’t learned to write for the medium. You don’t even understand how this blog works. Does anyone else here title their comments as you do? Anyone?
In any case, what exercise in self-regard makes you think that you need to bless the entire internet with your “writings”? On this blog, I’m almost the only one that ever responds to them. Note kirth’s comments from a while back, though.
I swear I could rewrite this entire essay in fewer words and produce something more readable. If you really think your first sentence is a model of excellent prose, then not only are you a poor writer; you are an intentionally poor writer.
p>You might feel smug about catching my typos, but remember I’m not distributing my essays all over creation.
I rewrote this essay and produced an improvement.
“You might feel smug about catching my typos, but remember I’m not distributing my essays all over creation.”
p>SJG: And thank God for that as no one cares what you think in the first place! If your such a great writer then you should also be a great proof reader. As you would say “learn to use the medium.” You must have a good dental plan seeing as you have your foot in your mouth more often than not.
p>”Nonetheless, after scanning through seven pages of the top rated bloggers, I notice your name is absent. An oversight?”
p>SJG: Hey hammerhead, there are thousands of people who post on so I am not the least bit surprised not to be among the top most. Why don’t you post there and then we can see how popular and compelling your writings are.
p>P.S. I will continue to post here as long as I so desire, whether you like it or not!
Did you notice no one titles comments “Reply to K Busch”. That’s because there’s this thing here called indentation.
If you are such an inconsequential blogger on Salon, what makes you think the rest of the world hungers for pompous verbosity?
p>Enjoy your Christmas card from Ms. Walsh!
and learn how to use blockquotes, too, Mr. Brilliant and Esteemed Writer.
The quotation above is from George Orwell’s excellent essay about writing that you can read here.
p>This line about the octopus is an example of poor writing because it involves a mixed metaphor. Octopuses do not sing and they certainly don’t sing swan songs.
p>My I bring your attention to a similar matter?
Are you aware that rants are not a form of precipitation? That no one is “deluged” by a rant. Possibly one can be deluged by rants in the plural, but a single rant, no matter how big, is not enough for a deluge.
How about this elaborate mixed metaphor?
Do we have a champagne toast, a coup, or submarine warfare?
p>Joan Walsh doesn’t write like this either.
Here is a unique suggestion. Seeing as no one here cares about your opinion, why don’t you contact Joan Walsh at and Mr. Timberg ( at the U.S. Naval Institute and tell them that you have issues with what they approve for publication and awards. I am sure they would be most interested in what you have to say and I am sure they would love to be seconded guessed by someone of your stature. Who knows, maybe they’ll offer you employment! I mean, after all your spending all of this time and effort here and no one cares about your efforts so why not save yourself the bother and go directly to those who have approved my work for publication. I mean after all you seem to think you know more then they do so man up and contact them directly.
p>P.S. My work is finished here I don’t have any more time to waste, however you are more than welcomed to waste yours.
No one cares about your writings here. That’s why I’m the only one commenting on your rather inane writing style. It would surprise me that Ms. Walsh who doesn’t write like you would endorse your boring writing style.
p>I don’t care what you do other places. Here you act like a bad guest:
Assuming you understand links &mdash a stretch I know — if you look at this comment, you’ll see that it got three ratings of 6.00. That means “excellent” in these parts.
Did you know that there are 30 Joan Walshes? Here’s howSalon itself describes what Editor’s Pick means:
Note the plural: our experienced editors
p>I note as well that out of the 19 blog entries posted on Salon in the last 24 hours, 5 are already Editor’s Picks. Not very picky these editors.
p>You have gotten a staggering total of 2 from your enormous opus.
p>That’s below average, Steven J. Gulitti. Maybe you should write to Ms. Walsh.
First and foremost, my name isn’t spelled Stephen. Try to pay attention to detail!
p>”No one cares about your writings here. That’s why I’m the only one commenting on your rather inane writing style.”
p>SJG: As I have already pointed out I get plenty of commentary in other venues so your point is moot beyond this venue.
“I don’t care what you do other places. Here you act like a bad guest:”
SJG: Are you the Blog Cop?
“You don’t learn the conventions.”
SJG: Where are they posted, after all I’m in the military so I know how to obey the written rule.
“You don’t engage in discussions here.”
SJG: I’ve engaged you or is this not considered a discussion?
“You’re not from Massachusetts.”
SJG: Where does it say this site is limited to residents of the Bay State?
You don’t mark your crosspostings as such.
SJG: Where does it prohibit cross posting? Where does it require the person posting to reference a cross posting. B.T.W. “crosspostings” is a misspelling.
“Did you know that there are 30 Joan Walshes?”
p>SJG: Did you know there is only one who is the editor of
p>”Open Salon combines member-generated content with editorial oversight. Having our experienced editors curate the home page ensures quality and credibility. For this reason, editors are able to select user posts as Editor’s Picks.”
p>SJG: So what? It’s still a vetted piece.
p>”I note as well that out of the 19 blog entries posted on Salon in the last 24 hours, 5 are already Editor’s Picks. Not very picky these editors.”
p>SJG: There are hundreds of entries each day and far more than 19 in a twenty four hour period. One thing is more than apparent, you don’t know how to navigate around the OpenSalon website. Thus it is no wonder that you are once again incorrect.
p>” You have gotten a staggering total of 2 from your enormous opus.”
p>SJG: Again One thing is more than apparent, you don’t know how to navigate around the OpenSalon website. I have over fifty separate posts there and they are not a single post and thus would not be considered an opus.
p>”That’s below average, Steven J. Gulitti. Maybe you should write to Ms. Walsh.”
p>SJG: Actually I once corresponded with Paul Solmon of WGBH Boston and he requested some samples of my writing. This was his reply:
p>To steven gulitti
From: Paul Solman (
Sent: Wed 11/28/07 5:01 PM
To: steven gulitti (
Thanks, Steve. Very interesting. And well written. I contacted my most web savvy economist/friend, professor Zvi Bodie, and here’s what he wrote back:
p>”I rely on government statistics produced by the US Federal government and the OECD. They are very accessible these days via the Internet.
p>You can continue to chase your tail on all of this, or you can now go and find something more useful to do with your free time. Oh, at least you get my name right after all of your carrying on.
As verbose as ever, no?
p>A mark of a good writer is knowing what not to say.
p>P.S. You still haven’t learned HTML. I notice. Very sad.
p>That’s me being sad at your being so out of touch.
SJG: Talk about being verbose, did you see some of your own commentary above?
p>”A mark of a good writer is knowing what not to say.”
p>SJG: Perhaps you should practice what you preach.
p>Love the extra SJG:’s.