Bernie Sanders speech on the war on the middle class December 10, 2010 By skifree_99 Fabulous Vt. Senator Bernie Sanders’ speech on floor of senate Please share widely! 00
lisag says December 10, 2010 at 2:49 pm Thanks to you and Bernie for that. < p>Such truth talking is balm for the soul.
medfieldbluebob says December 10, 2010 at 4:14 pm Call him: < p>(202) 224-2742 < p>Ask why he isn’t doing this. < p>Go Bernie Go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to you and Bernie for that.
p>Such truth talking is balm for the soul.
Call him:
p>(202) 224-2742
p>Ask why he isn’t doing this.
p>Go Bernie Go!!!!!!!!!!!!
what aimai said.
…is here.