-and this issue, unaddressed, is failure to plan on quite literally, a global scale.
Somebody ought to make the koch brothers watch this video once for as many times as their their faux news deniers have denied global warming.
Just yesterday I went to the weather channel online to plan my week. While there I noticed a records feature so I clicked on it. In my lifetime, I have lived through 10 of the 12 the monthly record high temperatures. That in and of itself meant nothing to me until, I checked the monthly record lows which turned out to be a mirror image which had me living through 2 record lows. So it just makes sense to me that something has been going on since 1947, because why else would I have lived through 10 record highs and only 2 record lows?
You can send my research to the koch brothers too.
the Global Warming boogey man doesn’t scare me. The earth always warms it always cools. What we are experiencing if at all is no different than what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future.
p>But it’s nice that the climatch change industrial complex can make a few bucks while creating a new religion.
p>No different? Except for the minor details that:
– We have caused CO2 levels to reach levels that are significantly higher than the earth has seen in millions of years (last 400k shown in chart above)
– CO2’s radiative properties were first established by Tyndall in the mid 19th century
– We can directly measure the change in outgoing radiation due to greenhouse gases. These aren’t computer model results, these are direct measurements of the impact of increased greenhouse gas (mainly CO2) concentrations.
p>There are intellectually honest arguments to be made about why climate sensitivity may be low, there’s uncertainty about future impacts, etc., but maintaining the position that climate just changes and humans aren’t having any impact on it requires ignoring a tremendous amount of really strong science. It’s willful ignorance.
EaBo, let’s you and I walk into any climatology department of any university around Greater Boston. And you run that line by a bunch of PhD’s — folks way smarter, and with more intellectual integrity than either of us — and you see what they say.
p>They will laugh at your sorry ass. Yes, except Lindzen. But you know what? I’ll see your Lindzen and raise you, like, everyone else.
p>Analogy: If you went to 20 doctors, and 19 of them said you had cancer, would you:
a.) Get treated, or
b.) Believe the one who told you you’re A-OK?
What would be prudent?
p>Seriously — wanna make it interesting, Eabo? If you’re willing to subject those statements to scrutiny by people who don’t talk in Hannity-approved talking points … let’s do it. Let’s make it happen today!
-and this issue, unaddressed, is failure to plan on quite literally, a global scale.
Somebody ought to make the koch brothers watch this video once for as many times as their their faux news deniers have denied global warming.
Just yesterday I went to the weather channel online to plan my week. While there I noticed a records feature so I clicked on it. In my lifetime, I have lived through 10 of the 12 the monthly record high temperatures. That in and of itself meant nothing to me until, I checked the monthly record lows which turned out to be a mirror image which had me living through 2 record lows. So it just makes sense to me that something has been going on since 1947, because why else would I have lived through 10 record highs and only 2 record lows?
You can send my research to the koch brothers too.
the Global Warming boogey man doesn’t scare me. The earth always warms it always cools. What we are experiencing if at all is no different than what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future.
p>But it’s nice that the climatch change industrial complex can make a few bucks while creating a new religion.
p>No different? Except for the minor details that:
– We have caused CO2 levels to reach levels that are significantly higher than the earth has seen in millions of years (last 400k shown in chart above)
– CO2’s radiative properties were first established by Tyndall in the mid 19th century
– We can directly measure the change in outgoing radiation due to greenhouse gases. These aren’t computer model results, these are direct measurements of the impact of increased greenhouse gas (mainly CO2) concentrations.
p>There are intellectually honest arguments to be made about why climate sensitivity may be low, there’s uncertainty about future impacts, etc., but maintaining the position that climate just changes and humans aren’t having any impact on it requires ignoring a tremendous amount of really strong science. It’s willful ignorance.
EaBo, let’s you and I walk into any climatology department of any university around Greater Boston. And you run that line by a bunch of PhD’s — folks way smarter, and with more intellectual integrity than either of us — and you see what they say.
p>They will laugh at your sorry ass. Yes, except Lindzen. But you know what? I’ll see your Lindzen and raise you, like, everyone else.
p>Analogy: If you went to 20 doctors, and 19 of them said you had cancer, would you:
a.) Get treated, or
b.) Believe the one who told you you’re A-OK?
What would be prudent?
p>Seriously — wanna make it interesting, Eabo? If you’re willing to subject those statements to scrutiny by people who don’t talk in Hannity-approved talking points … let’s do it. Let’s make it happen today!