Gay marriage opponents like to claim that their views are not based on prejudice.
But then they come up with jokes like this:…
and this: http://freenorthcarolina.blogs…
and this: http://behindtheparapet.blogsp…
and this:…
and this: http://www.arguewitheveryone.c…
And I could keep going, but you get the point. This joke about Barney Frank resigning to take a job at TSA has been floating around all corners of the conservative blogosphere the last few days. TSA likes to grope people and that’s kind of funny. Barney Frank has no history of groping anyone without their consent. The only thing making him different from any other member of Congress is that he’s openly gay. This joke only makes sense if you assume that being gay essentially turns you into a rapist.
The next time an opponent of gay marriage tells you they’re not a bigot, let them know you’re onto their dirty little secret.