Press release:
Speaker DeLeo's bill will address the immediate and potentially dangerous problem of hiring at Probation. Under the bill, new candidates will be subject to all Civil Service requirements. This will bring the department in line with police, fire, parole and other comparable public safety departments as well as the practices of 30 other states, where Probation falls under Civil Service.
Sounds like the right solution. Let's hope the department can be re-professionalized quickly.
Please share widely!
p>Or just continue with the ‘provisional employee’ system?
Probation should be under the control of the judiciary. And DeLeo should be on probation.
By my count, the Legislature has overruled the workings of the civil service system 38 times in the last four years, through special acts exempting various municipal positions from civil service requirements, special acts exempting specific individuals from civil service age requirements, and in one case, a special act elevating the sons of a deceased firefighter to the top of the civil service list, despite the fact that the firefighter hadn’t died in the line of duty, as the law otherwise requires.