Despite being found by the AG’s office to be in violation of state bidding/procurement laws in relation to the design and construction of their building; in violation (in multiple instances) of the Open Meeting Law; subject to a probationary regimen in their FIRST week of operation, the Gloucester Community Arts Charter School is hoping that the BESE is going to give them a passing grade at tomorrow’s meeting. Should this happen, the message that will be sent is simple: Due process, adherence to the law, transparency, accountability and honesty mean nothing.
I hope the BESE looks long term at the damage that this school has caused to the credibility of their own process, the credibility of the charter movement in general and the belief that all children in a community matter… not just a few. This Charter deserves to be revoked and I hope the BESE does the right thing by ALL the children in Gloucester and votes to revoke it.
…there was a story about parents rallying in support of this school. I agree there should be a standard process, but I’ve always gotten the sense this is one of those stories that we only hear one side of at BMG.