Senator Scott "The Scrooge" Brown is holding the United State of America hostage for his friends that make $300 dollars an hour this Christmas Season! | |||||||||||
I will remember! In November! What Senator Scott "The Scrooge" Brown did in December!
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Sen. John Kerry’s refusal to return to Washington DC in 2004 to vote on the same subject.
But at least with Kerry you know what you get, Browns ‘im with the workin’ man’ schtick rings more hollow every time I hear it. He has just selfishly destroyed working families ability to put food on the table, let alone presents, this holiday season. A first rate Scrooge if there ever was one. But I am sure the tax cuts for the wealthy he supports will help him buy an even shinier and more blinged out pick up to impress all the joe six packs at the unemployment line.
…for insisting on resurrecting an old talking point based on deliberate schedule manipulation by the GOP. I’ll come right out and say I forgive Kerry for not coming back for a vote; I’m not so charitable to Brown for being there and deliberately blocking the vote. If anything I would have prefered Brown followed Kerry’s lead and stayed a way if the alternative is blocking cloture.
Same effect, actually. As I understand the rules, a cloture motion must pass by 3/5 of the elected members. That means you need 60 affirmative votes, regardless of how many actually show up. So a no-show is the same as a “nay.”
…but there’s still the question of motive and my confidence that Kerry would vote the other way had he been present. Plus I was just trying to push back at MillburyMan’s (billxi’s) pathetic attempt to play “everything is equivalent to everything else”.
but also not clear that the motion would have had 60 votes even if they let the vote happen when Kerry were there. The Republican leadership woul likely have pulled back a vote needed.
This was a Republican game – the fact was they were not going to let it pass. Had Kerry repeatedly stopped campaigning – and they kept changing the vote – which they could – how would it have looked and how would it have impacte the campaign?
p>Kerry said he was a YES and Reid red that into the Senate record – he has always voted for the unemployment extensions when needed. To equate him to Brown is ridiculous. It is ridiculous each time you do it.
Kerry was considering his own benefit. He wanted to become president while other candidates were doing their jobs they were elected to do. Oh, that’s right, Kerry. And work do not belong in the same sentence! Has he paid the excise tax on his yacht yet? The one he tried to skip out on.