I assume that as a government official, Napolitano is exempt from the humiliation we peons are subjected to at the airport, which leads me to question her ‘objectivity.’ In fact, everything there is so much better that I am going to do all that I can to avoid air travel for so long as the current security theater hit continues to run. When the theater opens at the train station and the mall, will there be any denying that the terrorists have won?
Really, what is being accomplished with all of this?
We continue enacting the wrong policies, wasting our security resources and manpower. We have implemented many important changes since Lockerbie, it’s true (actually, many of the new protocols are post-9/11), but much of our approach remains incoherent. Cargo and packages go uninspected while passengers are groped and harassed over umbrellas and harmless hobby knives. Uniformed pilots are forced to remove their belts and endure embarrassing pat-downs.