“We knew that, politically, once you get it into law, it becomes almost impossible to remove it,” says Dan Bartlett, Bush’s former communications director. “That’s not a bad legacy. The fact that we were able to lay the trap does feel pretty good, to tell you the truth.” […]
“[Democrats] are definitely on the defensive,” [A ndy] Card says. “The fact that the 10-year clock ran out now had a big impact on the election.”
Andy Card, Dan Bartlett, George W. Bush and Karl Rove sold America on the idea of drastically cutting revenues. Their plan is that less revenue means cuts to public schools, cuts to inspections of egg & meat producers, cuts to public funding for public safety, public health…
cuts to everything that ordinary people need and can only afford when they pay together.
Of course, the millionaires like Bush, Rove, Bartlett, and Card will be able to hire private security, private educators, private doctors.
Well-played, Conservatives! Well-played! You get to keep on partying, and everyone under $250K gets to take the hang-over.