I’m going to steal this template nearly verbatim from Ezra Klein (on John Boehner).
There are 2,457,167 households in the Commonwealth. There are 162,357 with incomes over $200,000. That’s 6.6%. That number is not the right number for this discussion, too large,because there are necessarily households with income between $200,000 and $250,000 who will realize a tax cut on ever dollar earned. (Those households with income over $250,000 get a tax cut, just not on the portion of income above $250,000.)
What distinguishes a tax cut for income up to $250,000 and a tax cut for all income, for Scott Brown’s constituents? The treatment of the richest 5 or 6% of households in the Commonwealth. “And $700 billion slapped right onto the deficit. If Republicans win this debate despite the unpopularity of their position and its violent contradiction to their stated concern for the deficit, it’ll be one of the most impressive coups in recent political memory.”
The numbers and implications are staggering.
“Why should the richest 1% get extra tax cuts?
Scott Brown wants to make unemployment extensions budget neutral. That is fine, but Scott Brown also wants to extend the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% of the wealthiest people in our Country.
p>Will Scott Brown CUT $700 billion from the federal budget over ten years to off set the lack of revenue coming in?
p>Scott Brown is willing to reduce federal revenue but not willing to make it budget neutral. I call that pandering to the GOP base
p>This has been ongoing since Reagan. Ronald Reagan cut our Federal Tax Revenue by 50% but never CUT the budget to compensate for that lack of revenue.
p>Time to call him out on this!
p>If your going to run on fiscal conservativism…do it across the board.
p>I have a red phone here and if it’s not ringing I know it’s you Senator
Yes, but how many of those 6.6% of MA residents live on the North Shore and the South Shore? Cause if you look at the electoral map of who voted for Brown, that’s who voted him into office.
p>MA is just like the rest of our oligarchy – the richest people are the only ones politicians care about because they’re the ones who line their electoral coffers.