I was Blocked from red mass group over a month ago. For the reason of Going against the RINO’s in my Party – Nassour – Kaufman – Romney – Brock.
I am a true Republican….I think though if a Democrate dose something wrong it is wrong and if a Republican does something Wrong it is also wrong, Well they do not think that way on REDMASSGroup. Check out how they are giving Perry a ok for the Hack Waste of Taxpayer money move he just pulled. Shame on them all. No Freedom of Speech on REDMASSGROUP.
Please share widely!
Freedom of speech means the government can’t silence you – unless Rob Eno holds some governmental authority, he’s free to ban anyone he wants to from his forum.
p>That said, it’s not surprising that they’re hypocritical over there – they are Republicans after all!
I would estimate the comments on Perry at 9 – 3 against. The post is even named
Why is hiring Jeff Perry any different than hiring Marian Walsh?
p>You were banned from Red Mass for profanity, lies, vitriolic personal attacks, and abuse. I no longer have some of the editorial control I once did (in the pre-EaBo era) but if I did, you would have been gone sooner.
p>And As I’ve said before – YOU are the RINO. A Republican in Name Only, your ideas are much closer to the Constitution Party, with strong John Birch overtones. When you claimed something was a ‘true Republican’ idea, and it was pointed out to you that the Republican Party/Platform said no such thing, your response was that they weren’t ‘real’ Republicans either.
p>Three Amigos – this gentleman is a serial abuser of any Rules of the Road. I advise monitoring his comments/posts to ensure tha he complies while visiting here.
Generally we reduce these ratios to their lowest integers :p
p>All that said, I’m sure the right decision was made. Sometimes a little ‘reducing’ is positive for communities and blogs, too. Addition by subtraction, as it were.
As it is, as the thread developed, it’s more like 10 – 1 against.
p>I don’t think Cliff bothered to read the thread, he just assumed it would be mindless cheerleading.
I interpreted 9 – 3 as a tally of all the comments on that post, like a vote or a score in a baseball game. Can you imagine if the score was 9-3 in the eighth inning, and the umps said, let’s call it 3-1, it’s the same ratio. Then the lead goes from 6 runs to 2 runs. Same with votes and comments, it really not the ratio, but the total that matters. There is a use for a ratio, like maybe at someplace like Boston.com, where someone might say “comments against Perry are coming in three times as fast as comments in support”, but that’s not actually what PP said, and RedMassGroup threads tap out at about 12 people commenting (this place taps out at around 15 people commenting, a commanding lead).
Is accurate. A “Real Republican” agrees with Mr. Blake 100% of the time. No discussion necessary. If you only agree with him 99%, you’re a RINO.
billxi still posts on RMG. They are pretty liberal about freedom of speech, I, oops we, think. That was for you KBusch:).
MillburyMan claims to be billxi’s personal care assistant. Don’t worry – nobody else buys that either!
p>”your ideas are much closer to the Constitution Party, with strong John Birch overtones.”
p>From you I take that as a compliment. Go back to the Defending Jen Nassour Ron Kaufman RINO Army.
p>Stop making up Lies I never swore on RNG , You just couldnt stand me putting down your leaders who are destroying the mass gop. You are a lap Dog for Nassour – Kaufman – Romney
…you can’t even spell “Democrat” correctly Cliff. Or “does” for that matter.
p>Maybe RMG is in the pocket of Big Spelling? Keep fighting the power Cliff – Dictionaries are not People!
to your page on RMG. I’d like to see for myself what you’ve added or taken away from the debate over there.
p>So, what do you think being a “real Republican” means? What’s your opinion of the Democrats? Green-Rainbow Party? President Obama? Scott Brown?
p>You can use one foul word here per year, but it must be tasteful and can’t be racist or sexist. We don’t like racist or sexist and the editors usually allow the participants to make that forcefully clear, although they will step in when needed.
p>So what is a real Republican?
With you on this one.
So what?
p>This isn’t the RedMassGroup complaint department.
but cover my rear in regards to the ROTR.
p>Cliff, you’re unable to formulate coherent arguments that are based in logic, reason and fact.
p>You never contribute to discussion, are too thickheaded to consider other points of view, and don’t respect those views which contradict with yours. I feel you are incapable of critically approaching a subject, and immediately succumb to the choleric (classical) tendencies within you.
And did you also (foolishly) complain on the GreenMassGroup blog?
Cliff has not supported mainstream Republican candidates in contested partisan elections.
p>He is the founding member of the Cliff Blake Party.
p>All views expressed by him are not meant to be taken with any seriousness. This guy is Jared Loughner type crazy.
p>Be careful.
unsubstantiated accusation.
Go back to Defending Your RINO party leaders. Romney is making a ass out of himself on every talk show he goes on. I love how you have to follow me to Bluemassgroup to attack me here too. I think I got very close to the Queen bee of the Rino Movement thats why all the bees are sent out to attack. LOL
I joined BMG almost two months ago anticipating that I would comment on a thread you started today.
p>Sure I followed you…lol.
p>Be careful folks.
p>Perhaps he can find a home with the LaRouche people?
I don’t see him making it past two weeks.
Are you the same Clifford Blake 2 on this thread?
Clifford Blake II for selectman? You?