But I remember, Mommy, how you got mad. Because I was in the kitchen standing on a stool, with part of a cookie in my hand, you thought that I broke the cookie jar!
I don’t know why, Mommy, but that really hurt my feelings. Like when you talked about how I tried to sneak cookies out of the cookie jar when you weren’t looking. I didn’t even know that’s what that jar was! Is that going to put those pieces back together? It’s not going to bring those yummy cookies back. No, Mommy. It just makes me feel sad. And a little mad.
I learned about gravity in school. How it pulls things down to Earth, even if you and I want it to stay up! I was so sad watching that cookie jar fall down down down to the floor because bad gravity pulled it down. I was so sure that you would be mad at gravity, too, but you just talked about me! That made me real sad. I don’t know why you say I did something wrong when it was gravity.
So I told everyone how gravity had done something bad and I got blamed. I was so busy telling people that I should get to the kitchen alone more often near the cookies that I forgot to go with you to the store like I should have. Maybe the jar wanted to break? But it’s not fair to blame the breaking cookie jar on me only because you saw me on a stool reaching into the space on the shelf where it used to be.
Mommy, I hope we can be friends again soon, and have all the yummy cookies we can find. I know you have enough money to buy more cookies maybe even new ones, and we’ll all be happy. Nothing is going to make those cookies come back, and nothing is going to but that cookie jar on the shelf again. It’s just like when I tore the wallpaper or didn’t feed the fish. You forgave me then. So stop thinking why the jar broke, get some more cookies and be happy.
I love you Mommy.
Worth all the effort of sleepy fat fingers clicking on/or not on the correct links. I can only imagine all the effort …..blessings on your handsome head.
and purely as such, I agree that it is brilliant.
p>A bit juvenile, wouldn’t you say?
As Charles Blow suggests today, focusing excessively on Loughner is a bit of a trap for the Left. It leads into a sort of TV show forensics investigation. (What did he watch? How often did he express liberal sentiments versus conservative sentiments?)
p>The point is that the general level of vandalism and threats has measurably escalated. There’s no disputing that. There’s no wondering about mental illness.
but how do we make the link to it being caused by conservative’s speech? There are all sorts of correlations which we could chart which began in 2007/2008 including weather, pregnancy, gold prices, Facebook activity…, but can any/all of them be correlated to the level of vitriol from Conservatives (and don’t forget from Liberals)? I don’t “know” the answer to that question but I have been saying for a week that I don’t “believe” it.
p>And I will agree with some that it is possible that Loughner (last name only?) could have gotten the “idea” or the “impulse” from Palin or many other Conservative comments/ads/speech… But does that matter? Seriously? The theory that I’ve heard goes something like, Loughner is a lunatic thirsting for a target and he hears the level of vitriol coming from Republicans/Conservatives and decides to “act” on his thoughts instead of stewing like a vegetable all day and goes on a shooting spree. I am not saying the Lougner’s actions were as random as a gun-wielding lunatic (played by M. Emmet Walsh) randomly flips through the phone book and picks Navin R. Johnson (Steve Martin) as his next victim in The Jerk. But… if some lunatic happen to be an animal lover and was watching some commentary where a Republican (Tucker Carleson) was skewering Michael Vick about being a worthless human being for his treatment of dogs and the lunatic shots Miachael Vick… was the Republican responsible in “any way”?
p>Or better, someone a little mentally unstable with an elderly parent hears someone say “Remember, the Republican plan: Don’t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly.” So they kill their parent to save money… is Alan Grayson in any way responsible?
p>Please remember my earlier words, I agree that the level of discourse has been far too high and I hope it comes back down to civil levels.
Well done–I love it! There’s nothing to argue with, though. Predict few comments. Consider that a victory.