This month is one of those times when our duly elected must show their true colors. Progressive Patrick Leahy of Vermont has introduced legislation to continue the Patriot Act. Yes, the same guy that’s yammering about freedom in Egypt has no compunction in burying it in the US of A. Conservative Republicans are even talking about making the act permanent.
The very same duly elected that call themselves progressives, liberals, conservatives or libertarians and claim to support law and liberty are now no more than bi-partisan neo-cons. Little wonder the press is so quiet about this; transparency is an ugly thing. It shows the true soul.
Last year’s renewal excuse was that they “didn’t want it to get in the way of healthcare legislation.” The original excuse was “didn’t have time to read it.” (Now, really, the bulk of these people are lawyers. Would you hire a lawyer that didn’t read the contracts that affect you?)
I’ll send my political contributions to the ACLU until the duly elected start to represent me. Congress is just another reality show.
maybe Leahy wasn’t around the day the Constitution was read aloud in Congress, specifically this inconvenient part:
…if someone we generally trust is OK with the law, then its not as outrageous as some believe. My personal view is that there are some constitutionally dubious parts that should not be continued, but that the parts that call for greater information sharing and coordination among agencies are appropriate tools for fighting terrorism.…
p>Obamacare is illegal, 26 states sue. Obama don’t care.
p>Is Total Cereal a total fraud?…
p>And yes, there are other numbered sites other than number 28!
p>Prof Panarin was right all along.
as a law that makes it compulsory to buy something from a private company.