Deval Patrick was general counsel of Texaco for about two years. The events at issue in the lawsuit took place seven years before he joined the company. Obviously, its all his fault.
Under Patrick, the company successfully fought the transfer of a major case from Ecuador to US courts. The action was a class-action suit on behalf of 30,000 peasants and Indians residing in the Amazon region.
Why move the case? Critics say the US courts would be tougher on Texaco. Patrick’s response: He said the case should be tried in Ecuador “because that’s where all the people and documents and the sites are.”
Amherst lawyer Cristobal Bonifaz , a native of Ecuador, who has been engaged in a 13-year battle against Texaco and now Chevron, said it was a tough fight, but he said Patrick did meet with him for a day in an unsuccessful attempt to settle the case.
“Was he a player making the decisions? No, it was made before he came into power,” said Bonifaz, whose son, John, assisted him at times and is now running for secretary of state. “But thousands of Indians have died because of this, and if you’re going to support this, you have to take another look at yourself.”
A member of a corporate board/corporate counsel fought for the interests of his company – story at 11!
Blind support of elected leaders results in sh*tty governance!
p>I suppose you also think his role at Ameriquest is irrelevant to our fearless leader’s leadership… and Coca Cola… or his millions in personal wealth from said corporations.
It would be one thing to bring this up when nobody knew who he was. Now I’m convinced the Governor is the best the Commonwealth has had in a long time.
while giving away taxpayer money to connected developers, etc. After a long line of Republican governors, perhaps your standards were too low… he’s propping up a horrific system that is delivering blow after blow to regular people of all political stripes.
to pay for the medical bills for treating all the eyeball sprains resulting from reading this thread
Deval Patrick was general counsel of Texaco for about two years. The events at issue in the lawsuit took place seven years before he joined the company. Obviously, its all his fault.
From the Globe:
A member of a corporate board/corporate counsel fought for the interests of his company – story at 11!
Blind support of elected leaders results in sh*tty governance!
p>I suppose you also think his role at Ameriquest is irrelevant to our fearless leader’s leadership… and Coca Cola… or his millions in personal wealth from said corporations.
It would be one thing to bring this up when nobody knew who he was. Now I’m convinced the Governor is the best the Commonwealth has had in a long time.
while giving away taxpayer money to connected developers, etc. After a long line of Republican governors, perhaps your standards were too low… he’s propping up a horrific system that is delivering blow after blow to regular people of all political stripes.
to pay for the medical bills for treating all the eyeball sprains resulting from reading this thread