The Wisconsin AFL/CIO is taking money for donations, to handle food and other needs at Two local restaurants are delivering pizza to protesters and accepting donations as of 2/23/11 to do so; to confirm this is still the case you can call:
For those who'd like to help out, you can send pizzas, drinks and/or money to help support the protestors. Ian’s Pizza 608-442-3535 minimum order $20.00 These folks are now taking orders only for delivery to the resistance, they’ve stopped all delivery to the general public. They tell me they deliver to wherever the people are — if they’re inside the Capitol, they go in. If people are marching and picketing, they take the food to the picket line.
or you can call:
Subway on the Square 608-255-1636 NOTE: minimum order $100.00 They have set up a fund there for your orders, and they are giving free food from that fund to any union member or pro-union demonstrator who requests food. Thank Pat for arranging that, I’m sure this is the first time they’ve done anything like this.
For those who like me do not use credit cards or donate online:
CHECKS can be made payable to the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Defense Fund, 6333 W. Blue Mound Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53213 (Please indicate the purpose, e.g. “Capitol protests” or “Madison rally”, on your check.)
Yesterday's rally in front of the State House made clear that workers in Massachusetts get it – what is happening in Wisconsin is not about that state's budget, but an all out attack on working people funded by the Koch brothers who opened a lobbying office in downtown Madison, Wisconsin Not much coverage yet, but Governor Walker plans to sell off Wisconsin's public utilities in no bid contracts to make money – and who has their snouts in the trough? You guessed it – Koch industries. For more Kochtupus facts read and enjoy.
I am glad to report that the Gallup Poll reported today states that 61% of Americans OPPOSE stripping bargaining rights from unions as Governor Walker seeks to do in Wisconsin:
Usually BMGers don’t take polls here very seriously. Oh wait, this poll supports of the narrative so you’re all set.
p>However, I should say that a common remark about polls is the only poll that matters is what the voters say on Election Day. Being a Conservative who happily pointed to polls in 2010 showing the impending Republican slaughter (too violent) victory (too war like) favorable result (zen-like, civil), I was reminded of this view often.
p>So, biased polls aside… here’s what voters did in Wisconsin…
p>US Senate
Republican Ron Johnson defeats Democratic incumbent Russ Fiengold.
p>Wisconsin Governor
Republican Scott Walker defeats Democratic Tom Barrett.
Wisconsin State Assembly goes from
50 Democrats/45 Republican to
38 Democrat/60 Republican
p>Wisconsin Senate
Wisconsin State Senate goes from
18 Democrats/15 Republican to
14 Democrat/19 Republican
p>Those results trump any “poll” results and I would say the legislature and the Governor are doing exactly what they said they would do if they were elected… just like Chris Christie and many other politicians said they were going to do. Don’t we want our leaders to follow through on the positions they took while running? Don’t you want President Obama to follow through on the campaign promises he made? I think it’s refreashing.
p>I just wish our Congressmen would stop inciting violence on issues which he disagrees with!
p>Will Wisconsin be the next Arizona, ostracized… banned from playing with the other states, conventions canceled… and who will be next, New Jersey, Ohio… will progressives start pitting one group of states against another? Instead of Blue/Grey will it be Blue/Red? Maybe we should be concentrating on MA issues since we hardly are in great shape.
But, JohnD, you Republicans keep running against the public school teachers and the nurses.
And we, the Democrats, will support our public school teachers and nurses.
I’m confident the majority will agree that working people should have a seat at the table, should have a voice in working conditions.
From FrumForum……
Mother Fool’s Coffeehouse – use PayPal to buy coffee for the freedom fighters
p>Gil Scott-Heron wrote: “The revolution will not be televised…” — it may be funded via PayPal, however.
Tell me, do you also like no-bid sales of public utilities?
After seeing his latest and greatest..”hey I got an idea to get me a headline” in the Herald today, Dan Winslow is already overstaying his welcome…its easy to see through this self egrandizer…not that anyone ever mistook him as a proworker guy….