Tuesday, February 22 · 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Massachusetts State House
Support the Rights of Wisconsin Workers
Tuesday, February 22nd
Massachusetts State House
Join workers from across Massachusetts to show support for our sisters and brothers in Wisconsin who are fighting to keep workers’ rights alive.
Click here for more info on their struggle: http://blog.aflcio.org/2011/02…
Sponsored by: Mass Teachers Assn., AFT Massachusetts, Mass AFL-CIO, Greater Boston Central Labor Council, AFSCME Council 93,
SEIU Local 509, 1199 SEIU, SEIU Local 888, Jobs With Justice and many others.
For more information call 617-524-8778
Please share widely!
is a “Stand with Walker” ad
p>hey Americans for Prosperity (of the rich and powerful, screw the rest of us)
p>I know what side I’m on and it’s not Walker’s
where do folks predict this will end up?
But there will still be compensation cuts.
And can spend billions, Goldstein.
p>Note that while Bob Neer found my links useful, my concerns that, by analogy, the Kochtopus Movement is neofascist were too much for him.
p>However, using a time of economic hardship to play on fear and utilize divide and conquer had a parallel in the 30s. The hatred of the 13th and 14th Amendment, the anti-gay and anti-immigrant fervor – for me it is all too familiar given where, when, and among whom I grew up.
p>Where will it “end up” is up to you, and I, and people like us being vigilant.
p>Even well meaning folks can be sucked into making mistakes; for that reason I truly honor the bravery of the Middlesex County Bar Association which recently unanimously voted as follows:
This was a courageous stand to take against power, and they arranged to send it out as a press release last week.
p>I realize that my stand on this and other issues is unpopular with some on this site. However, speaking truth to power, and protecting liberty and access to justice are why I worked five jobs to put myself through law school and became the first attorney (but not the last) in my extended family. It may surprise you to know that in my family of origin I am considered rather conservative, so all things are relative.
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