Sean Durkee, Candidate
The Durkee Committee
781-974-4971 (c)
781-891-3919 (f)
Sean Durkee, Iraq War veteran from Waltham, announces bid for 10th Middlesex Rep. Seat
Waltham, MA, February 11, 2011 – Waltham homeowner and Iraq War veteran, Sean Durkee announces his candidacy for the 10th Middlesex House of Representatives seat vacated by Sheriff Peter
Sean is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo with a B.S. in Business Administration and has a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in finance from Bentley College. He is employed as a Business Manager at a defense oriented business. Sean undergoes continuing intelligence training through his commitment to the MA Army National Guard. He served a yearlong tour of duty in Iraq and has also recently deployed to Germany, Tajikistan, and South Korea.
“I am running to provide a clear choice to the people of this district. All of the other candidates want to remain as a city councilor or alderman, keep a side job – AND be a State Representative. Two full-time jobs and private practice on the side? The math just doesn’t add up.” “We need a fresh voice – my voice – a financial analyst who understands both the reality of the costs of government and a homeowner that feels the strain of taxation on the taxpayers. When a budget is tight and services begin to fail – who better to understand what can be cut and where improvements can be made.”
“We need to focus on attracting high-tech jobs to the area and the support jobs that come with them. We do this by demanding high standards in our education system and encouraging technology investment for increased productivity. The sudden surge in Iraq War veteran homelessness is a disgrace. When a soldier returns home from doing their duty, we need to keep our end of the bargain for those who sacrificed so much. We also need to promote preventative measures required for good healthcare practices, such as early cancer and heart disease screening. The cost savings far outweigh the alternative to not doing so.”
“We can do better as a society-our capacity for greatness is far from being fulfilled,” said Durkee.
For more information, contact: Sean Durkee, Candidate. 781-974-4971 (or)
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