Two cases in point today:
– They continue to report that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker want to remove collective bargaining rights from all state pubilc service unions. This is incorrect – police and fire fighters unions are exempt from these plans. (These unions supported Walker’s election bid, and generally support Republicans.) – not quite true, see comments.
– The second is just sad:
How hard is it to spell the name of the current President of the United States? Too hard for the leading news station in Boston, I guess.
UPDATE: This morning, the WBZ report on Wisconsin unions is using the word “most” not “all”. Do they read obscure BMG diaries?
Please share widely!
p>Fire Fighters overwhelmingly support Democrats. It’s not even close.
p>Police Unions do support GOP candidates more often, Firefighters unions, not so much.
Roll the video please.
The Milwaukee firefighters union supported Walker, as well as the Milwaukee police association. The Wisconsin firefighters association supported Walker’s opponent. (Democracy Now)
p>The inaccuracy of the WBZ report in this regard (that Walker is targeting ALL public service unions – they emphasized ALL) stands, however.
Everybody’s right.
p>It’s true that police and firefighter unions are exempt from Walker’s plan to eliminate collective bargaining,
p>It’s true that firefighters’ unions generally support Democrats,
p>It’s true that the Milwaukee police and firefighters’ unions supported Walker for Governor over his opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett. The statewide police and firefighters’ unions, on the other hand, supported Barrett.
p>Source here.