Massie’s strong call for Massachusetts to return to the national leadership offered by the late Senator Eward M. Kennedy received a vigorous vote of confidence, since Massie received almost twice as many votes as the next two contenders combined.
MARCH 13, 2011
Democratic Nomination for US Senate
# %
Michael Capuano 16 22%
Kim Driscoll 18 24
Alan Khazei 3 4
Stephen Lynch 4 5
Ed Markey 3 4
Robert Posen 0 0
Setti Warren 0 0
TOTAL 74 100%
What an odd time to hold a straw poll — after one person has announced and before anyone else has. Could people vote for whomever they wanted on this one?
Sab, the North Andover Dem. Comm. traditionally uses the straw poll as a way to get more people to pay for the eggs and toast. If you pay to eat, you get a ballot in return. They have been doing it for years to raise committee funds. Better than some of these silly “key” straw polls where you just pay for the ballot with your ticket, no eggs attached.
p>But, you are right it is far too early for straw polls or any horse race poll for that matter…how do you think Scott Brown would have polled a year before the US Senate Special…a very back bench State Senator from Wrentham who spent most of his time managing his daughter’s singing gigs…he would not have registered over 1 percent on a statewide poll (unless they over sampled American Idol viewers)
That is a cute idea, and I suppose that it is a decent sign for Massie. Of course for every Scott Brown, there are a few Alan Khazei and Steve Pagliucas.
Can’t tell from the post but it would appear that Massie was the only declared candidate to speak. Did any of the other candidates receiving votes appear/speak at the event?
He told me that Bob Massie and Kim Driscoll were both present. His sense was that Bob’s message resonated with the crowd. I hear that Kim has been ar events across the state.
Way too early to commit, but she did well, for someone who hasnt announced or run before.
p>She and Setti are definitely rising stars …
While I think she’s certainly a fine politician who’s great with people I think there’s a lot tobe desired in the progressive vision department.she’s done good things for Salem, but she’s done other things that just make sense and supports some things that if enacted would be disastrous for the city. I’m willing to listen to her in the campaign, but she’s going to have to prove that she has a real vision. Thus far bob’s the only one on the race who I’ve seen with a real vision who.s declared or hinting, beyoned even Capuano.
What things does she support that would be “disastrous”?
Ryan, how unlike you to put up a negative post without specifics to back it up. Driscoll has done an outstanding job as Salem is the star on the North Shore. Whether she runs for US Senate or not, her political star will continue to rise in the Democratic party.
But this article makes me worried about her stance on allowing the Environmental Protection Agency to actually protect public health by regulating pollutants. As we are likely to get no big new environmental legislation anytime soon federally, protecting the tools we do have to reduce pollution will be a critically important issues for our next senator (or for that matter, both of our current senators). It’s this paragraph
p>that I am most worried about. The article doesn’t actually go on to say what her position is, so she should clarify ASAP. If anybody knows more about her position on the issue of EPA authority, do let us all know.
A good home, a good school, a good doctor, a good job…on the other hand, the Republican way reminds me of what happened in Animal Farm – the new “owners” stated that “all animals are equal but some are more equal” kind of like what the Kochtopus wants…your know, 137,000 millionaires but lets throw the blind and deaf under the bus.
p>I am far more interested in the speech then the first straw poll (and sorry I missed it, too).
… would that be a strawman argument?
But according to HLPeary, you might end up with egg on your face.
I think it is courageous for a candidate to be out there in the cold of winter working for the seat. I have to wonder what the other “potentials” are waiting for? Either they want it with their heart and soul or they don’t.
p>It’s going to take all that and then some.
p>Will a few more polls tell them which way to go?
p>Time is ticking and may I remind you Brown was running for higher office when Ayla sang the National Anthem at the Republican state committee meeting in Lowell hoping he would get the nod from Muffy after he was stiffed by Mittless.
p>Anyone who thinks Brown came from no where was not paying attention.
p>Go Bob….show ’em.