NHDP Chair Ray Buckley, on Blue Hampshire.
I was just told that the House Republicans just attached an amendment on the budget bill calling for the repeal of collective bargaining.
I imagine Governor Lynch would veto this, but it’s telling that they’re trying it.
Please share widely!
has no power to stop anything. Thanks to John Sunnunu and the Free State Project, both houses have supramajority GOP representation.
p>House GOP 297 – D 102 (74% majority)
Senate GOP 19 – D 5 (79% majority)
p>Lynch can veto everything they pass and everything will be overridden. It’s like Massachusetts in reverse.
p>They have a real meaningful pro-liberty agenda. Including getting the state out of the job’s killing RGGI.
If the last public union vanished tomorrow, liberty would not advance one step. Governments would spend the money other ways.
more stupid “pro-liberty” cover up the lack of critical thought. Liberty is good; pro-liberty is even gooder. It’s called a glittering generality, a vague term that sounds good.
p>Dems used glittering generalities too, but EaBo & Co. tend to forget these warm, fuzzy, thoughtish things are easy to embrace and next to impossible for rational thought. Glittering generalities are the thousand points of light full of family values that wage a war on terror until it can be morning again in America.
p>Well, at least EaBo has a source for the New Hampshire state legislature.
this time on RGGI. Evidence? EaBo doesn’t bother.
p>would you like more?
The issue is your use of “job’s killing” [sic]
p>The first link you provide points out that the revenue generated by RGGI is used for energy efficiency projects. In case you’re not aware, those projects don’t get installed by themselves, and the materials and transportation needed for the upgrades don’t materialize out of thin air either.
p>The second link points out that this would impact five coal fired power plants, but that NH only gets 15% of their electricity from coal. More to the point, numerous studies by Synapse Energy Economics [you’ll have to search for the actual studies]* point out that natural gas sets the price of electricity in the New England grid over 90% of the time, which means that increasing the cost of coal fired power plant operations will not increase the retail price of electricity [residential , commercial, or industrial] by any noticeable amount.
p>Your third link also shows zero evidence of “job killing.” It does point out that RGGI helps fund local college courses which teach NH citizens how to do energy efficiency upgrades.
p>To recap, the three articles you cite [plus some knowledge of the New England electricity markets] demonstrate that the funds RGGI generates (a) don’t drive up electricity prices, but (b) do get used for energy efficiency projects which help lower cost for New Hampshire residents and businesses, and (c) help fund job training for New Hampshire residents. It’s clear that killing RGGI is killing jobs in New Hampshire.
p>But keep just trumpeting “job killer” sans evidence while your political party is working on everything but jobs, and utters complete nonsense when it comes to economics. We wouldn’t expect anything less from you over here in this reality based blog.
p> * see “ISO New England Scenario Analysis Companion Report: Constructing a Future that Meets Regional Goals”, August 8, 2007. Authors: Paul Peterson, Doug Hurley, and David White
In 2009 RGGI revenues of $295 million were invested in energy efficiency programs. Our
analysis indicates that those RGGI funded energy efficiency programs will provide over $443 million dollars in lifetime avoided cost electricity benefits.
p>That’s not job killing. That’s job creating. Lowering the total societal cost of meeting electricity demands means lowering the cost for businesses and individuals. That’s job creation.
for everyone? for state workers? for only specific provisions?
And what are they thinking?
As with Wisconsin, I’m not even sure they expect to succeed. What they want is the fight.
right to work legislation.
p>Here is a rundown of a lot of what the Pro-Liberty leadership in the NH house has done.
p>It’s refreshing to see NH so thoroughly reject the mistakes of the last decade.
Looks like GOP overreach has hit our fair neighbor to the north.
I’m glad Republicans are trying to repeat their 2000-08 national disaster focused on New Hampshire. Good luck to the people who voted them in.
That list certainly is an agenda, rather than a obstinate opposition.
p>It will be interesting to watch, as some of that should be an agenda that Democrats should relish running against.
p>The Tea Party is going to remain an interesting phenomenon. The so-called “lunch pail” set were lost to Democrats a generation ago over Vietnam, and the Democrats subsequent embrace of an agenda that appeals far more, generally, to Wellesley than to Southie.
p>Since the days of the Reagan Democrats, this group has unreliable for Democrats, either splitting or even going GOP outright.
p>For the most part, though, the GOP has given them lip service and little else, but has also resisted overt attacks on their interests. But this new breed, the “Tea Party” is changing that, which will create an interesting dynamic.
p>I expect that this will create much friction in both parties. For the GOP, because runs some risk of losing an advantage that it has held for more than 30 years, but also cannot realistically spurn these new activists waving their quoted-but-unread copies of Atlas Shrugged. For the Dems, because they need these people to be reliable again, but can’t antagonize their existing base by going soft on the issues where the “lunch buckets” lean right.
Let’s carry concealed weapons and shoot at each other indoors?! Congratulations on your “pro-liberty” agenda NH GOP. It’s hard to see how these changes will make New Hampshire a better place to live, but on the other hand, it’s not really about what people do or even so much what they can do as who they are. This is less a reasoned agenda than identity politics conservative style.
p>I agree with your take on the “lunch bucket” brigade. I live in a town with a lot of folks like this, though it’s complicated by the fact that many are at least partly self-employed.
p>The 1960s lost these guys, and also caused the rift between labor and the Democratic Party that never fully healed. Our conservative friends like to make jokes about labor’s influence these days, but it used to be much stronger. Kevin Drum has an interesting piece:
When did the Democrats stop being pro-lunch pail? Certainly not when we became pro-choice or pro-gay rights – it’s not as if these things are somehow mutually exclusive. In fact, to me it seems very consistent for the party to stand up for those whose voices aren’t always hears: women, workers, racial minorities, LGBT. I suppose one COULD argue that we stopped being pro-lunch pail when we started chasing corporate campaign money, but the GOP is still much worse in that department. However, I completely reject the implication that we must choose between social and economic issues. Part of me still wishes that we had attempted to embrace the “Tea Party” to see if they meant what they said on the populist side.
I don’t think CentralMassDad’s point was that the liberal positions on social and economic issues are theoretically incompatible. Rather, I think he’s making the correct observation that the Democrats’ increased focus on social liberalism since the 1960s and ’70 cost them white working-class votes.
p>I think the suggestion that the GOP’s overreach on these issues might cost them in the long-run is an interesting one. In closely divided states like NH and WI, they could damage their brand for years by swinging a sizable portion of the white working-class vote back to the Democrats.
In other words can we bring our foci on social and economic issues into something closer to equilibrium? Would we be able to create a coherent narrative from this linking them as I suggested to sell our party as the voice for the voiceless in all of these circumstances?
But let’s face it — there’s a significant group of people for whom such an “equilibrium” will not be possible. For example, when the Democrats decided to take the side of civil rights for African-Americans (surely a correct decision), it was inevitable that we would lose some of the working-class white vote.
p>I don’t disagree with your point about selling the party as the party of the voiceless in a better way, but there are limits to this approach. There are plenty of members of “disadvantaged groups” who will not transfer their sympathies to members of other disadvantaged groups, no matter how much a political party may try.
It floors me that in the 21st century white working-class still shows reluctance to embrace other races. Specific policies like affirmative action are debatable. Truth is I’m not the biggest fan of that myself. We just need to better tailor our messages to our audiences. I’m not suggesting pandering and I know that in the age of mass media everyone hears everything eventually. I just think we can talk about civil rights to the NAACP one day and labor rights to the AFL-CIO the next without contradicting ourselves.
Here’s Richard Trumka talking to the Steelworkers Convention before the last election,
p>The reality is the corporate masters of the Democratic Party, those that have been fighting for control since the loss of McGovern, benefit from the racial divisions in this country. The presumption that the Democratic Party leads on these issues is preposterous – the national party is FAR to the right of all but a few labor unions on economic and social issues.
they’ve largely abandoned their prior positions on economic issues, leaving the “lunchpail” group NO good reason to vote for them. Not on social issues, not on economics. Back in the 80’s when the Reagan was in the WH but the Dems had controlled the house for decades, Tony Coehlo started hitting up corporate donors and the party reinvented itself as the DLC party of Clinton and Lieberman.
p>100 years ago there were Democrats in Boston and NYC, but the financial titans generally were not among them. Today the finance industry may be the industry most closely aligned with the national Democratic Party. Not much room for economic populism there. I know public school teachers in NJ who voted for Chris Christie out of anger at Corzine, the “Governor from Goldman Sachs.” It was like 1968, when Nixon could do nothing and appear to be the “peace candidate.” People just assumed Christie had to be “better” because he hadn’t run Goldman Sachs. Two years later those people are ready to campaign for whoever runs against Christie.
p>I do think the GOP is seriously overreaching and it will cost them. Already you see plenty of buyer’s remorse in some states, including New Jersey and Wisconsin.
I think by the 80s, people had long since realized that Wagner Act trade unionism was no longer working. Too many people either had direct experience with “work rules” or bought a 1970s gas guzzling clunker of an American car, or followed the news about the Teamsters.
p>At the same time, I think that Democrats realized that admitting that the Wagner Act model was broken and needed reform risked (i) offending what was then still a major constituency; and (ii) opening the door to unwanted “reforms” from the right. So, they did nothing at all, and as unions steadily dwindled, they looked elsewhere for support.
p>But it seems to me that the decision to avoid fixing problems, because of the fear of GOP input into the reform process, was an unmitigated disaster. Because the public perception of the programs had turned so sour, Democrats weren’t perceived as “defending” important thinks, so much as they were perceived as captives of special interests. Democratic “special interests” were an albatross around the neck of Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis in their campaigns, much to the glee of the GOP during that time. That was why Candidate Clinton HAD to go find Democratic “special interests” in order to kick them in the shins during his campaign.
p>Ultimately, I think that the stalwart defense of these programs has been a policy failure as well as a political failure, because, when the reform comes it is more radical than should have been necessary. This is what I think happened to AFDC, for example.
p>The Democrats hope is now that the radical reform over-reaches, and the backlash gives Democrats another shot. But if they use that shot to defend, reinstate, or reinforce the old Wagner Act model, I think this shot will, once again, be squandered.
Folks in the labor movement have been itching for reform of the Wagner Act since it was gutted in 1947, although I don’t think you have the same goals they did. So I’m curious what you think would be a reasonable reform – although I’d insist that it actually raise the power of the working class, and not just the paycheck – health and safety and paid time off, otherwise, your reform is what I’d call gutting…
p>As to your presumption that by the 80’s people had realized it “was no longer working” I’m curious how you reconcile that with the essentially constant support for unions among a majority of Americans throughout the 1980’s.
… of flight away from the Democratic party for white working class voters is most easily explained in terms of the social liberalism of civil rights.
p>After doing some statistical digging, Larry Bartels at Princeton found the alleged flight of the working class white vote is more urban myth than substance.
p>‘What’s the Matter with
What’s the Matter with Kansas?‘ (PDF):
p>The current state of affairs is probably linked less with this long term trend and more closely linked with the tendency of electoral outcomes to correlate with economic conditions, which has historically been a great predictor of elections.
from business when unions could no longer deliver votes and money as they once did.
Could it be that unions are no longer as powerful in part because we forgot to stand up for policies that encourage strong unions?
is where my thinking comes from. He writes:
I recommend the article. I was too small in 1972 to be able to follow politics that closely. I suspect you weren’t even born. These events seem to have been the chicken, that produced the egg you mention.
Liberty apparently includes expanding the death penalty, restricting reproductive choices and restricting the rights of workers to organize. On the plus side, you can be freely denied health coverage and corporations are free to pollute more!
p>You can just say “conservative” eabo.