Punchy, witty rebuttal of previous comment’s main argument.
p>Parting shot.
p>Droll signature line
Short, probably unnecessary comment agreeing with the previous comment. Nothing new to add to the conversation. Accompanied by a “6” rating of the previous comment.
Specious attempt to pivot from the immediately prior comment to an earlier posting by the perserverator that received insufficient attention the first time around, as in, “are we in agreement that employers should undergo drug testing? Extreme cases may include an actual link to the unfairly neglected posting.
Something that only marginally relates to the post or previous comments but seems unrelentingly essential to myself.
p>Also, unless my concerns are addressed, preferably had they been addressed decades ago, America will rapidly decline. It’s already happening.
…but the subsequent mock comment thread is quite amusing!
Brilliantly written comment introducing heavily sourced new information that puts a clear focus on the topic and effectively negates the right-wing counter-argument. One of the editors is so impressed that he decides this comment deserves its own front-paged post as the Comment of the day.
In which the commenter makes a point about how the Democratic Party blatantly violates its stated values, and earnestly wishes that the BMG audience would keep an open mind, but then eventually resigns himself to the fact that a content-less post on BMG has gained infinitely more attention and thoughtful dialogue than nearly all substantive posts on Green Mass Group.
…with comment attempting once again to explain that Deval Patrick is the best Governor we’ve had in awhile and expressing exasperation at Green unpleasable perfectionism.
Making a similar point that is slightly opposed to yours. When you say
Brilliantly written comment
I have to agree, but I would push back a little. Still, comment made in a way that is clear that I’m on your side and it’s two people disagreeing in a way that makes the same general point. Clear undertones that I wish I were the commenter of the day, but I know it’s just not my time. Only slight jealousy reflected.
p>Inserted graph to show that I have thought about the issue enough to Google it for a few minutes to make my point.
Even though I don’t ussually hijack, we need to get that in somewhere.
The “Rematch”
p>Fun! Training!
Meet other activists!
Pizza and drinks!
p>Saturday March 12 at 10 AM
Meet at 3 Central Street in Southbridge
Or Carpool from Westborough or Acton.
p>In a situation that is unprecedented in the history of the Commonwealth, there was an exact tie in a Representative race. After four days of recounts and a long court battle, a new election has been scheduled. This is a great chance to ensure the election of a Democrat, keep your skills up and meet activists from across the state. Meet at 17 Gary Circle in Westborough at 9 AM or contact Jamie@JamieEldridge.com for details on the Acton event. Remember, canvassing is an exercise in Democracy with the emphasis on exercise! If folks are interested then we will go for pizza and drinks after we finish talking to voters. Contact me a 508 404 8531 to get involved or e-mail me at KateDonaghue AT aol DOT com.
now that I’ve read this post and all the comments, I don’t really need to read anything more that has ever or will ever be published on BMG. This pretty much covers it.
p>Also: request for poll.
There’s no poll with this one.
p>Now that David has promoted it he needs to find an excuse to bump it back to the top:)
JohnD needs to call out avigreen for not being consistent in his support for a “practice post” from a Republican. He needs to also state that we shouldn’t be doing practice posts because he’s doing fine for himself without the help of practice posts which only serve to enable bloggers who make bad decisions.
When this diary was first posted and had no comments my reaction was “Huh?” as avigreen has posted before and certainly didn’t need to test. The comment thread developed into something absolutely hilarious at times. In the midst of all the serious, intense, and sometimes heated discussions we have, it’s good to know we can collectively engage in some self-deprecating humor.
making the regulars scratch their heads in effort to place the user name and remember whether commenter was a jerk or effin brilliant.
Well said, Avi. Well said.
Punchy, witty rebuttal of previous comment’s main argument.
p>Parting shot.
p>Droll signature line
Short, probably unnecessary comment agreeing with the previous comment. Nothing new to add to the conversation. Accompanied by a “6” rating of the previous comment.
Specious attempt to pivot from the immediately prior comment to an earlier posting by the perserverator that received insufficient attention the first time around, as in, “are we in agreement that employers should undergo drug testing? Extreme cases may include an actual link to the unfairly neglected posting.
Something that only marginally relates to the post or previous comments but seems unrelentingly essential to myself.
p>Also, unless my concerns are addressed, preferably had they been addressed decades ago, America will rapidly decline. It’s already happening.
… and ad hominem argument.
Either a polite suggestion to write up your own post on the marginally related topic, or a not-so-polite reply along the lines of WUYOFP.
… I presume you know that I was speaking about generic BMG posts, comments and threads; not about the wording of your specific comment.
p>If my sense of humor didn’t get over, my bad. No offense intended.
p>(Now I’ll just crawl into a fetal position sobbing inconsolably.)
…but the subsequent mock comment thread is quite amusing!
Brilliantly written comment introducing heavily sourced new information that puts a clear focus on the topic and effectively negates the right-wing counter-argument. One of the editors is so impressed that he decides this comment deserves its own front-paged post as the Comment of the day.
Advice on how to fix the broken link, and how to avoid the problem in the future.
that the link now seems to be working.
and observation that the link is broken again.
p>I try again:
Am I supposed to just believe you?
In which the commenter makes a point about how the Democratic Party blatantly violates its stated values, and earnestly wishes that the BMG audience would keep an open mind, but then eventually resigns himself to the fact that a content-less post on BMG has gained infinitely more attention and thoughtful dialogue than nearly all substantive posts on Green Mass Group.
…with comment attempting once again to explain that Deval Patrick is the best Governor we’ve had in awhile and expressing exasperation at Green unpleasable perfectionism.
Making a similar point that is slightly opposed to yours. When you say
I have to agree, but I would push back a little. Still, comment made in a way that is clear that I’m on your side and it’s two people disagreeing in a way that makes the same general point. Clear undertones that I wish I were the commenter of the day, but I know it’s just not my time. Only slight jealousy reflected.
p>Inserted graph to show that I have thought about the issue enough to Google it for a few minutes to make my point.
That I found interesting and want to show off that I found, but is at best orthogonical about the discussion at hand.
p>Followed by gratuitous smack talking about somebody caused by a conversation in another thread.
Observation that a DEMOCRAT did something BAD once!
and it’s reflexively defensive to ignore these systemic problems.
By a member of the surreality-based Republican community.
Dumb Reasons
Sheepish admission that I had to google the spelling of non sequitur.
Even though I don’t ussually hijack, we need to get that in somewhere.
The “Rematch”
p>Fun! Training!
Meet other activists!
Pizza and drinks!
p>Saturday March 12 at 10 AM
Meet at 3 Central Street in Southbridge
Or Carpool from Westborough or Acton.
p>In a situation that is unprecedented in the history of the Commonwealth, there was an exact tie in a Representative race. After four days of recounts and a long court battle, a new election has been scheduled. This is a great chance to ensure the election of a Democrat, keep your skills up and meet activists from across the state. Meet at 17 Gary Circle in Westborough at 9 AM or contact Jamie@JamieEldridge.com for details on the Acton event. Remember, canvassing is an exercise in Democracy with the emphasis on exercise! If folks are interested then we will go for pizza and drinks after we finish talking to voters. Contact me a 508 404 8531 to get involved or e-mail me at KateDonaghue AT aol DOT com.
With the typical plea can we just edit comments for spelling.
or not.
But with which one would we start?
about hijacking threads with off-topic comments. 😉
p>What else?
now that I’ve read this post and all the comments, I don’t really need to read anything more that has ever or will ever be published on BMG. This pretty much covers it.
p>Also: request for poll.
There’s no poll with this one.
p>Now that David has promoted it he needs to find an excuse to bump it back to the top:)
JohnD needs to call out avigreen for not being consistent in his support for a “practice post” from a Republican. He needs to also state that we shouldn’t be doing practice posts because he’s doing fine for himself without the help of practice posts which only serve to enable bloggers who make bad decisions.
Seeming serious section with long sentences.
Snarky section with short sentences attacking the poster’s typical MO.
It started with Reagan.
Long drawn out response to every single comment above
When this diary was first posted and had no comments my reaction was “Huh?” as avigreen has posted before and certainly didn’t need to test. The comment thread developed into something absolutely hilarious at times. In the midst of all the serious, intense, and sometimes heated discussions we have, it’s good to know we can collectively engage in some self-deprecating humor.
making the regulars scratch their heads in effort to place the user name and remember whether commenter was a jerk or effin brilliant.