Before it slides off into his archive, have a look at Steve Benen’s excellent short piece on Romney’s latest attempt at reinventing himself as a creator of jobs. One highlight:
During his tenure, Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states in jobs growth.
So this is the guy who plans to go around saying, “I like President Obama, but he doesn’t have a clue how jobs are created.”
BTW Jeff Zeleny’s front page piece in the Sunday New York Times on Romney’s new focus on jobs says nothing about his record of job creation when he was Massachusetts’ governor. Not.One.Thing.
Just one of the many things that have always bothered me about Romney is what the British political theorist David Runciman calls “second order hypocrisy.” The second-order hypocrite is self-righteous about his self-righteousness, complaisant in his complaisance. He is “one who pretends to the public that double-dealing and hypocrisy, though endemic, are not inevitable-and that he is a beacon of sincerity in a corrupt and hypocritical world.” Sounds like our Mitt alright.
Romney’s new job-creation identity is yet another pathetic attempt to create one particular job for a certain Willard M. Romney.… (click on the Economy tab), but I saw something recently from a government agency showing that we’re number 1.
p>Please do fill the blimp.
I love this.
p>That sounds like SO many Republicans to me.
Under Romney the state actually lost manufacturing jobs and the only reason the state didn’t rank 49th or 50th is the effects of Katrina on the Gulf Coast states.
is crass.
Brad, do you really want profanity in every comment you post here? Lewis Black will forgive you if you alter his quotation a bit.
Didn’t realize I was dealing with such dainty sensibilities here. I guess I got more used to the language of the union supporters up at the state house.
Try to behave.
I thought poopee head was funny. đŸ™‚
I guess you were right.
…those Wisconsin palm trees to tend to bring out the worst in people. So does badly losing an election.
…those weren’t Wisconsin palm trees. O’Reilly’s report was on pro union protests going on across the country. I guess there are downsides to getting your “news” from Comedy Central.
And this looks like they’re talking about WI:
p>(OK, I don’t get my “news” from Faux. But that clip does seem to be from Faux.)
for what HE will do. Criticizes Obama and democrats incessantly but has yet to say what he would have done differently or what he will do going forward. He just doesn’t know. This is about the prize for him and those around him.
Didn’t see the Globe until this afternoon and was astounded to see the editorial with the above title. It reads, “Mitt Romney has set the stage for a substantive discussion of health care reform among Republican presidential candidates – a discussion that goes well beyond the tweets and sound bites that most of his potential competitors have offered.”
p>Here’s what he said in New Hampshire this weekend:
Ah, that “elevated debate.” Thanks Boston Globe.
And he must be turning over in his grave at the behavior of his son.