I hope you realize that by supporting democrats, you’re biting off the hand that feeds you. I attended the “rally” last Monday 3/14. When some shithead made a point about raising taxes, I turned my mind off.
You really don’t have a clue, do you?
Our democratic governor is the one cutting $500,000 from the budget affecting me, but yet you blindly and stupidly support him.
Let me put it for you in simple terms: If i’m not employed, no payroll taxes to be paid to our Commonwealth. If I’m not working, no need to pay union dues, or a “negotiating fee”. You’re losing members. The very people who pay your fat management salaries. I’ll be comfortable in the fact, that if I’m losing my job, you’ll be losing yours too.
At least I know how to work for a living. I hope you remember how to also.
SEIU 1199 WTF?
Please share widely!